Essential practices for organisation — talk on 13 July
What do you think are the most essential practices for organisation?
Practices are:
- things you make a commitment to
- things you do regularly
- things you get better at, through practice
And, over time, sometimes practices can fade when you learn to follow the underlying principles. But, unlike principles, practices give you a go-to, something to work on and with.
On Tuesday 13 July at 7pm I’m speaking at Lean Agile Stockport — an online meetup open to all — about our ‘five core practices’.
Would your team or organisation be more effective if you reliably worked to be able to do these things?
- productively have honest conversations, ‘discuss the undiscussable’, and surface reasoning and emotions?
- actively achieve clarity of relationships, task, roles and broader activities and programmes?
- learn at single, double, and triple loop level
- shape a culture which enabled and supported willing productivity
- measure and remain focused on actual customer value — as the customers see it?
Come along and discuss!
And I’m keen to hear — what do you think are the essential practices for organisation? What are your actual, regular practices?