On 7–8 October I’m proud to be hosting an event that brings together 14 of the most incredible thinkers — well, 13 and myself 😊
This is going to be an engaging event, not a carousel of powerpoints, we’ll be learning together.
I have two brilliant offers I can share as conference convener:
ONE — of everyone who likes and comments on this post at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/antlerboy_conscious-organisation-activity-6845607854129471488-fVYp, I will randomly select THREE people to get free tickets to the event
TWO — I can offer everyone in my network a 50% discount — just use the code CONS50
The link: https://consciousorg.net/
We have the most incredible range; #futurism, #artificialintelligence experts, systems changers, Daoists, soul coaches, writers on organic organisation, mature masculinity, what being human means, and so much more
The quality of our speakers kind of speaks for itself:
Katrijn (Katryn) Van Oudheusden
At least three of these folks have their own Wikipedia page!
AND they are down-to-earth, practical, and they’re coming to *engage* in discussion and to work together to support growing consciousness.
So join us on 7–8 October from 9:30am EST to explore together.
You may find answers. Or better questions 😊
What would be your question to explore?
#innovation #future #personaldevelopment