Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #149

Benjamin P. Taylor
3 min readSep 27, 2024


My weekly posts

No Tuesday post this week, I have Covid — again!

The pandemic hasn’t gone away, every time we get sick our immune system is weakened and — worse — we may get cognitive impairment we don’t even realise (not to mention ‘long covid’).

I keep confusing my desire not to get ill with an ability to not get ill

I’m going to try to go back to wearing a mask when travelling — curious how hard it can be to go against norms (and so sad the norms haven’t changed).

Meanwhile, if you have any influence over shared spaces of any kind, remember that Covid is airborne, buy a CO2 monitor, and buy an air filter.

Let’s give up hopeful avoidance and fight this thing!

Courses and events

Contract management development

The programme is an opportunity for those involved in contract management to refresh their skills, build on their existing knowledge and expertise and refamiliarise themselves with key documents and guidance.

The aim is to deepen learning and understanding around contract management and to support and challenge participants to work in new ways to deliver outcomes.

Join us this Autumn for a virtual-only development programme!

Find out more here:

The Politics of Radical Municipalism. Online+ in-person workshops and edited volume contributions. Call for chapters. Deadline 30 September 2024.

Find out more here:

A New Identity for Commissioning

Join this two-day virtual event to be at the forefront of discussions about how the narrative around commissioning and its future is changing, and how organisations from different parts of the sector can get involved in designing and improving the services, both for those working in the health and care system and for the people and communities who use health services.

You can join here:

Better Way Upcoming Events

Better Way are a network of people across sectors exploring how to improve services, build community and create a fairer society.

Better Way has some great upcoming events for people to get involved in:
- Engaging with Communities — NHS Learning Partner Roundtable, 5th November.
- Better Way Principles and Behaviours, 1st October, 20th November and 4th of December.

For more information and how to join, visit their website here:

Things I shared on socials:

Members of Britain’s biggest benefit fraud gang jailed for a combined total of more than 25 years

The report covers the sentencing of five members of the UK’s largest benefit fraud gang, who were jailed for over 25 years combined for defrauding the welfare system across England and Wales.

EU plant exporters turning backs on UK over post-Brexit border checks, says trade group

The article discusses how EU plant exporters are avoiding trade with the UK due to post-Brexit border checks, which have become costly and time-consuming, impacting the horticulture industry.

Earth may have breached seven of nine planetary boundaries, health check shows

The article highlights a global study revealing that Earth has breached six out of nine planetary boundaries, including climate and biodiversity, posing severe risks to the planet’s ecosystems and human well-being.

How modest 72-year-old French woman is now global symbol for fight against sexual violence

The article tells the story of a modest 72-year-old French woman who became a global symbol in the fight against sexual violence, inspiring movements and raising awareness about survivors’ rights and justice.



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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