Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #17

Benjamin P. Taylor
14 min readOct 2, 2021


Today’s message appears to be ‘don’t trust authority’.

And also the work for justice is never, ever done.

Please let me have your feedback, and share if you enjoy.

And book now for Conscious Organisation — — with code CONS50 for 50% off.

A Walk Home «
A Walk Home by Louise C Galizia, UK

Conscious Organisation — THIS WEEK!
A last chance to sign up with 50% off for the Conscious Organization conference 2021, on 7–8 October Use code CONS50 at

Top phive of the week

McKinsey and the capacity of business for evil
Interesting tweet thread about McKinsey here: The claim is that McKinsey is being really smart and transforming itself. But I think that people come over all unnecessary when they talk about McKinsey — both as fanboys and as haters. This isn’t (as Clayton Christensen talked about when on payroll) transforming consulting; this is good old-fashioned … Continue reading McKinsey and the capacity of business for evil →

Doggle, star of
any idea what breed our street pupper is? We want to know what he might grow up like!

What do you think of FestivalUK*2022?
Or, as it’s better known, the ‘Festival of “Brexit”‘? If you hate it, you’re falling into the trap. And if you love it, you’re falling into the trap, too. There are lots of discussions we could have about a £120m series of creative and cultural events planned to take place around the United Kingdom in 2022. And … Continue reading What do you think of FestivalUK*2022? →

Fuel Panics: Insights From Spatial Agent-Based Simulation | IEEE Journals & Magazine — Upton and Nuttall (2014) | Systems Community of Inquiry
A friend on facebook wrote: A very smart friend of mine once co-wrote a paper simulating various things to do with petrol shortages and looking at policy options and an interesting thing they came up with was the idea of having a MINIMUM ration — eg if you have to take at least £30 of…

Interoception: The Secret Ingredient | Dana Foundation — Feldman Barrett and Quigley (2021)
Interoception: The Secret Ingredient Your brain keeps you alive and well by running a metabolic “budget” for your body. Our authors, who co-direct the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory at Northeastern University and Massachusetts General Hospital, explain how these budgetary activities, and the bodily sensations they create, suggest surprising connections between brain, mind, body, and world. […]

public service transformation

Twitter thread on healthcare

We *could* do medicine as if the point was patients’ health, but that would be a hassle. We’d have to coordinate with the other department, and you know what THEY are like. Obviously management would create a ton of extra paperwork for it, too.

A friend of mine has been trying to get a serious study done on the impact of *letting hospital patients sleep through the night*. For YEARS. Nobody’s ever thought to investigate, apparently.

Caleb Watney on Twitter
I wonder if we’ll look back at hospitals that don’t use air filtration and UV light disinfection in the same way we now look back at surgeons who didn’t wash their hands.

Dr Phil Hammond on Twitter

Here are the questions from 22 years ago that I advised patients could ask any doctor, or any surgeon, about any treatment, and the evidence behind it. It’s from Trust Me I’m a Doctor (1999) & it had a cult following ( i.e. the medical establishment hated it)

Government Beyond Recovery: towards a future-fit public sector, virtual conference 18–19 October 2021 from the OECD Observatory for Public Sector Innovation

Virtual Conference — 18–19 October 2021 Register Now (FREE) How can recovery serve as a launchpad for better governance and a better future for society? This conference will gather political leaders, policy practitioners, regulators, representatives of civil society, private sector actors and innovators to explore public governance possibilities as the world emerges from a period of […]

The post Government Beyond Recovery: towards a future-fit public sector, virtual conference 18–19 October 2021 from the OECD Observatory for Public Sector Innovation appeared first on PSTA.

Building community health — through systems convening and supporting staff self-awareness 5pm London time, 14 October 2021 | Q Community #systemsconvening | Systems Community of Inquiry
Building community health — through systems convening and supporting staff self-awareness (5pm London time) Building community health — through systems convening and supporting staff self-awareness (5pm London time) | Q Community Building community health — through systems convening and supporting staff self-awareness (5pm London time) Learn about the role of Systems Convening in a pioneering…

Strengths Approach means never having to ask someone what they’re good at — Social Work, Cats and Rocket
A blog by @tanya_tavi Strengths practitioners focus on what people can do. This doesn’t mean we skirt over difficulties or risk. It doesn’t mean we ignore sorrows, challenges or pain. Strengths practitioners see the full picture and work with the reality and messiness of life. Strengths isn’t a naïve approach to practice, it’s a realistic…

Humble Governments Tickets, Wed 6 Oct 2021 at 16:00 | Eventbrite
Eventbrite — Demos Helsinki presents Humble Governments — Wednesday, 6 October 2021 — Find event and ticket information.

Human Learning Systems: The Role of National Government in Systems Innovation —
Human Learning Systems: The Role of National Government in Systems Innovation Human Learning Systems: The Role of National Government in Systems Innovation — YouTube

#35: System Effects update — by Luke Craven — Pig on the Tracks | Systems Community of Inquiry
#35: System Effects update #35: System Effects update — by Luke Craven — Pig on the Tracks Luke says: It has been a while since I have talked about System Effects — my pet system mapping methodology/software — and the impact that it has been making in the world. I fondly refer to System Effects as my side hustle,…

greg fell FFPH on Twitter
In the dying hours of PHE I just wanted to say thank you more loudly than you could possibly imagine The work of PHE has always been amazing, since its inception For what it is worth I thought Duncan’s leadership was in just the right space.

systems | complexity | cybernetics

New Books Network podcast | Vanilla Beer and Allenna Leonard, “Stafford Beer:…
Vanilla Beer and Allenna Leonard Sep 27, 2021 Stafford Beer The Father of Management Cybernetics 2019 New Books Network | Vanilla Beer and Allenna Leonard, “Stafford Beer:…

Linguistic relativity — Wikipedia
Linguistic relativity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search The hypothesis of linguistic relativity, also known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis /səˌpɪər ˈwɔːrf/, the Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, is a principle suggesting that the structure of a language affects its speakers’ worldview or cognition, and thus people’s perceptions are relative to their spoken…

Transactionalism — Wikipedia
Transactionalism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search Transactionalism is a pragmatic philosophical approach that views social exchange as a fundamental aspect of human existence; all human interactivity is best understood as a set of transactions within a reciprocal and co-constitutive exchange. A transactionalist approach is an “unfractured observation” of human being…

Linguistic relativity — Wikipedia
Linguistic relativity From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigationJump to search The hypothesis of linguistic relativity, also known as the Sapir–Whorf hypothesis /səˌpɪər ˈwɔːrf/, the Whorf hypothesis, or Whorfianism, is a principle suggesting that the structure of a language affects its speakers’ worldview or cognition, and thus people’s perceptions are relative to their spoken…

A Complexity-based Plan for Evaluating Transformation
Originally posted on Evaluation Uncertainty: Jonathan A. This is the abstract of a paper I have in draft form. I’m looking for critique on any or all parts of it. If you are interested please send me email and I’ll send you a copy. Thanks in advance to all. Abstract This article presents a…

Principles for Ecosystem Governance — NetworkWeaver | Systems Community of Inquiry
Principles For Ecosystem Governance FREE The principles articulated in this resource aim to provide a framework for thinking about infusing societal values into governance. offered by Societal Platform & Aapti Institute Principles for Ecosystem Governance — NetworkWeaver Principles For Ecosystem Governance FREE The principles articulated in this resource aim to provide a framework for thinking…

Coexploring Systems Literacy | Peter Tuddenham | Systems Thinking Ontario 2021–03–08 —
Coexploring Systems Literacy | Peter Tuddenham | Systems Thinking Ontario 2021–03–08 Coexploring Systems Literacy | Peter Tuddenham | Systems Thinking Ontario 2021–03–08 — YouTube

Alina Siegfried book — Storytelling and Narrative for Systems Change
Launching on October 28, 2021! A Future Untold The power of story to transform the world and ourselves By Alina Siegfried Alina Siegfried book — Storytelling and Narrative for Systems Change

Organisational development / transformation

Dr. Richard Claydon on LinkedIn: #leadership #futureofleadership #toxicleadership | 56 comments
Let’s dive deeper into the dark side of leadership. So deep, I’m going to talk about research findings! Yes, actual data! Don’t be scared, you can always wash them off later.

Ethics in public service

IN CASE: A behavioural approach to anticipating unintended consequences — GCS
Written for policymakers, this guide sets out a new approach for anticipating unintended consequences, called the “IN CASE” framework.

: Hauliers reasons for driver
Hauliers reasons for driver shortage: retirement, “Brexit”, IR35, changing industry, pay rates, COVID-19 — in that order. Via James Poyser, Matt Poyser, BBC, Road Haulage Association

IR35 — a timebomb slowly going off
IR35 is just another part of the loss we’ve incurred in the last ten years. An aspect of the government’s attack on enterprise, and poor legislation poorly implemented. Like everything else, it bites us on the arse eventually.

IR35 badness continues to be
The Court of Appeal has reaffirmed again that the taxman’s interpretation of mutuality of obligation (MOO) is wrong in law.

Environmental and social justice

Prof Donna Hall on Twitter
71% of women experienced sexual harassment in a public space rising to 86% in 18 -25 year olds. 78 more women killed since Sarah. How can we accept this as a society? We don’t have a problem of the occasional “bad ‘un” in the police it’s systemic misogyny

Stephen McGann on
A single newspaper homepage on a single day. We simply cannot allow this constant and extreme abuse of women to continue as the background noise to our society.

New York Magazine on

For Simone Biles, walking away was an act of self-reclamation. She told the story of her Tokyo Games to @CAMONGHNE

How Holly Bradshaw pushed back against Team GB kit injustice to have last laugh in
‘I didn’t want to go to the most important competition of my life and not feel comfortable, worried about what I would be wearing’

Boris Johnson’s climate

Courtesy of Piers Corbyn

Taras Grescoe on

By 1920, the network of interurbans (electrified tramways) in the US was so dense that a determined commuter could theoretically hop interlinked streetcars from Waterville, Maine, to Sheboygan, Wisconsin — a journey of 1,000 miles — exclusively by electric trolley.

Seeing the continuum | Seth’s Blog

Seth Godin is subtle, and effective.

‘What have PPE-ists ever done for us?’

The panel discussion chaired by Jackie Ashley, renowned journalist and broadcaster, will discuss why so many PPE-ists end up in leadership positions and why the degree is described as a ‘passport to power’. We will also debate whether this is the degree that runs or ruins countries and institutions. This will be a wide-reaching discussion that will look beyond PPE to other degrees that have shaped many important people and moments in our lifetime. Joining Jackie Ashley on the panel will be Nikhil Rathi, Chief Executive of the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority, Professor Will Davies, The Gabriele Taylor Fellow and Tutor in Philosophy, and Aisha Washington, Director of Operations at Get Further and Venture Partner at Ark.

Brian Merchant on
Uber and Lyft’s pitch was always that they’d reduce congestion, emissions, car ownership and the total costs that cars impose on society. A new paper shows that the complete opposite has happened — taking an Uber costs society ~60% more than your own car.

Adrian Bott on Twitter
The problem isn’t me and my enlightened post-tribalist mates, it’s you lot who are still thinking tribally

Ed Davey MP 🔶🇪🇺 on Twitter
This is deeply disappointing. We can only build a better politics and a fairer country with a fairer electoral system. We will keep working with the many in the Labour Party and across all parties who want to see a fairer electoral system.

Peter Walker on
Formal results show unions sank PR for Labour. Constituency parties backed it by almost 80% to 20% but “affiliates” were 95% against, so it lost.

Hugh Kavanagh on
The myth of “Modernism”. There is nothing “modern” or “futuristic” about cladding that has to be replaced after only 17 years at a cost of £20 million. The architectural equivalent of “fast fashion”

Psmith on Twitter
Reminder that the eggs-cholesterol danger was fabricated by LBJ to hide inflating egg prices in 1966

Has Johnson forgotten social enterprise? UK remains without civil society minister nine days after reshuffle begins | The Social Enterprise Magazine — Pioneers Post
DCMS confirms civil society brief remains there, but minister is still TBC. Meanwhile, prime minister Boris Johnson’s ‘levelling up’ project gains political ground as economist Andy Haldane heads levelling-up taskforce and Kruger gets junior role.

More brain food


We Will Win When We Love

The first corona lockdown was a ‘live experiment,’ revealing big behavioral gender
How do communication or movement patterns change in an acute crisis? Researchers in Vienna see major trends in anonymized telecommunication data — and identify clear gender differences

The Surprising Reason Not to Sanitize Your Sponges | by Sam Westreich, PhD | Sharing Science |
Kitchen sponges are covered in bacteria, but that may be a good thing. If you sanitize your sponge, you could be damaging your environment — and risking your health. Learn more here.

Jessica Flack on
Proust suggesting that in art the discovery of laws allows for (desirable) originality but without the usually concordant concept of progress one finds in science.

Postcognitivism — Wikipedia
Postcognitivism Postcognitivism — Wikipedia Postcognitivism ArticleTalk Language Download PDF Watch History Edit Movements in cognitive science are considered to be post-cognitivist if they are opposed to or move beyond the cognitivist theories posited by Noam Chomsky, Jerry Fodor, David Marr, and others. Postcognitivists challenge tenets within cognitivism, including ontological dualism, representational realism, that cognition is independent of processes outside the mind and nervous system, that the […]


La Isla Bonita takes me
In a cafe playing 80s hits, remembering how la isla bonita , ‘like a virgin’, ‘girls just wanna have fun’ were the standouts at Glossop Leisure Centre Saturday morning roller disco in about 1989 — and how I was beaten up for dancing to them for ‘being gay’

Small Nas on


Jack Martin Leith on Twitter [Thread of deeply insider jokes]
A Zen Master goes to a hot dog stand & says Make me one with everything. The hot dog vendor fixes a hot dog & the Master proffers a $20 bill. The vendor puts it in the cash box & closes it. Where’s my change? asks the Zen Master. The vendor replies: Change must come from within.

I asked historians what find made them go ‘wait, wut?’ Here’s a taste of the hundreds of
Historians, archivists and other researchers got in touch with tales of their archival finds and bizarre research moments. These ranged from the quirky to the disturbing to the profound.

Benjamin P. Taylor on
There’s some kind of meme on Twitter about people who’ve ‘never listened to Marquee Moon’. And every time I see it, I can’t help myself… Television — Venus… Television — Marquee Moon

John Challis: Why Serbians have soft spot for late Only Fools actor — BBC
Only Fools and Horses is hugely popular in Serbia, where tributes have been paid to John Challis.

check the
Dropped Maggie at uni in Bristol today. From her new room you can see the room at Bristol Children’s Hospital where, 17 years earlier, she spent 6 months fighting for her life against leukaemia. Tears of joy. Thank you NHS.

Aztec Camera — Somewhere In My Heart (Official Music Video)
Watch the official music video for “Somewhere In My Heart” by Aztec Camera. “Somewhere in My Heart” is the twelfth single and biggest hit by the Scottish ban…

Psychedelics for systems change: could drugs help us save the planet? | openDemocracy — Jules Peck (2020) | Systems Community of Inquiry
Psychedelics for systems change: could drugs help us save the planet? After being forced underground in the 1960s, today psychedelic drugs are having a renaissance. Scientists are only beginning to understand their transformative potential. Jules Peck 15 February 2020, 10.16amPsychedelics for systems change: could drugs help us save the planet? | openDemocracy via Systems Change…

