Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #21

Benjamin P. Taylor
6 min readOct 30, 2021


Top phive of the week

Requisite Agility Unleashed Conference 2021, Transdisciplinary Sessions —

I’ll be part of a ‘fireside chat’ at this conference from 7–8 December along with some amazing speakers.

You can get a 50% discount on the $49 ticket with code RAUN50

Are we here to fight alligators, or drain the swamp?
If we find the real work, we’ll find the joy… If you start from understanding the demand presented to (public) services — the actual demands that people present, their requests for service — you can get to a more fulfilling and empowering conception of public services in a very logical way. LEVEL ZERO Most service … Continue reading Are we here to fight alligators, or drain the swamp? →

Context cues and the limits of
Someone I know asked directions in Dublin. Receiving them, he followed up ‘can I walk there?’ ‘To be sure I suppose you could walk anywhere’ The way we understand the context of our actions shapes our possibilities. Once you know about context cues, you will start seeing them everywhere. And there are big implications. A … Continue reading Context cues and the limits of possibility →

public | service | transformation

How to spot the usual tricks in the spending review | Local Government Chronicle (LGC)
The spending review is a chance to put meat on the bones of ‘levelling up’ — as long as the Treasury resists the temptation to play too many tricks,

How Social Accountability Strengthens Cross-Sector Initiatives to Deliver Quality Health Services — GPSA Knowledge Platform
HOW SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY STRENGTHENS CROSS-SECTOR INITIATIVES TO DELIVER QUALITY HEALTH SERVICES How Social Accountability Strengthens Cross-Sector Initiatives to Deliver Quality Health Services — GPSA Knowledge Platform And paper: Beyond Fundamentals: Learning About Social Accountability Monitoring Capacities and Action in Southern AfricaFlorencia Guerzovich, Yeukai Mukorombindo and Elsie EyakuzeAugust 2017 Click to access Beyond-Fundamentals-PSAM-paper-dd-August-2017-final-for-posting.pdf

systems | complexity | cybernetics

The Viable System Model as a Framework for Understanding Organizations — Espejo and Gill (2011)
The Viable System Model as a Framework for Understanding Organizations (PDF) The Viable System Model as a Framework for Understanding Organizations The Viable System Model as a Framework for Understanding Organizations October 2011 Project: Organisational Cybernetics Raul Espejo Antonia Gill Introducing the Model The Viable System Model (VSM) is not a new idea. Created by […]

Complexity and systems thinking, Merali and Allen (2011)
Complexity and systems thinking (PDF) Complexity and systems thinking Complexity and systems thinking January 2011 DOI: 10.4135/9781446201084.n1 Yasmin Merali P. M. Allen Abstract Once the whole is divided, the parts need names. There are already enough names. One must know when to stop. Knowing when to stop averts trouble. Tao in the world is like a […]

The Need for Systems Thinking in Cybersecurity — Ron
The Need for Systems Thinking in Cybersecurity Ron Ross of NIST Discusses Moving Away From Stovepipe Thinking The Need for Systems Thinking in Cybersecurity

Political use of the rhetoric of complex systems —
source: Political use of the rhetoric of complex systems — enfascination POLITICAL USE OF THE RHETORIC OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS I’m excited about the field called “complex systems” because it reflects of best of science’s inherent humility: everything affects everything, and we oughtn’t pretend that we know what we’re doing. I think of that as a […]

Winnie the Pooh — Lesson
Originally posted on Systems Ninja: This is the second blog I write based on the wisdom of a small bear who was “big of heart”. In a scene in the 2018 film Christopher Robin, Pooh asks a frantically rushing adult version of Christopher Robin, of his bag of “important things” : “Is it more important…

The Foundation Trilogy — by Gene Bellinger — SystemsWiki’s
Interesting synchronicity — the ISSS ( is engaged in an email discussion about ‘holism’ and ‘a general theory of systems’, in searching for something I just came across a grumbly Facebook Messenger discussion about ‘universalism’, and here’s Gene Bellinger (with an intriguing titbit about von Bertalanffy’s title?) on a similar thing… must be something in […]

Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation — flexible co-learning from February 16, 2022 for 4–54 weeks depending on number of confirmed sessions (which depends on funding)
source Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation Thought Leadership for Systems Transformation An evolving space for co-learning with prominent thinkers and practitioners of our time Bayo Akomolafe | Nora Bateson | Chong Kee Tan | Phoebe Tickell | Mich Levy | Arturo Escobar | Levy Odera | Mansi Kakkar | Cleofash Alinaitwe & Ignatius Ahumiza | […]

Some interesting sources on
Philip Clayton — How Can Emergence Explain Reality? 23 Aug 2014 Closer To Truth For more videos and information from Philip Clayton click here For more videos on how emergence can explain reality click here How does Emergence work? What does it say about reality? Stuart Kauffman — Is Emergence Fundamental? 9 Nov […]

Organisational development / transformation

The Stoa — Polarity Management with Barry Johnson, November 15, 11am
Polarity Management w/ Barry Johnson. November 15th @ 11:00 AM ET. RSVP here. The Stoa And a reminder they also have Power & Systems w/ Barry Oshry. November 4th @ 4:00 PM ET. RSVP here. And the usual rich list of other stuff.

Ethics in public service

IR35 explained — or maybe not… | HMRC: Tax Investigations
Self-confessed ‘IR35 addict’ Dave Chaplin takes a tongue-incheek look at the bizarre world he’s inhabited for the past 20years.


The Meaning of Liff

In Life*, there are many hundreds of common experiences, feelings, situations and even objects which we all know and recognize, but for which no words exist.

On the other hand, the world is littered with thousands of spare words which spend their time doing nothing but loafing about on signposts pointing at places.

Our job, as we see it, is to get these words down off the signposts and into the mouths of babes and sucklings and so on, where they can start earning their keep in everyday conversations and make a more positive contribution to society.

- Douglas Adams & John Lloyd

*And, indeed, in Liff.



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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