Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #30

Benjamin P. Taylor
8 min readDec 24, 2021


Have a great one!

My highlights from the last week (and some from issue 13, from September 5)

Winterval —

Happy Winterval, everyone!

Top phive of the week

National Virtual Commissioning Academy to launch Spring

Following the success of our last virtual Commissioning Academy the Public Services Transformation Academy (PSTA) are looking to launch our next one late March. Described by Civil Service Chief Executive John Manzoni as “one of our flagship development programmes for leaders”, the Commissioning Academy is designed to equip commissioners and change makers from across public […]

“We aren’t talking enough about power”
Well, that’s a classic show-stopper, isn’t it? How often have you heard that in a workshop or discussion? Power, like ‘leadership’, ‘innovation’, ‘culture’, and ‘transformation’, is one of those — ahem — power words. Very often, it allows us to seem deep and reflective, without actually getting anywhere. It’s frequently gesturing at a real feeling, a real set of issues — in … Continue reading “We aren’t talking enough about power” →

My top LinkedIn posts (you won’t BELIEVE number 77!) ;-) | by Benjamin P. Taylor | Dec, 2021 |
I joined LinkedIn way back in April 2007, thanks to a colleague who came back from a course at the Harvard Kennedy School and told me that everyone in the US was on it. Around that period, and…

Have you ever been ‘referred’ or ‘signposted’? How did it feel?
Have you ever been ‘referred’ or ‘signposted’? How did it feel? We worked with one council to analyse the whole of their customer contact. The council was very dedicated to accessibility and support to those in the community most in need. What we found was that all the good intentions were a part of the … Continue reading Have you ever been ‘referred’ or ‘signposted’? How did it feel? →

public | service | transformation

Genuine involvement requires a re-balance of decision-making

In this blog for NPC, Charlotte Lamb argues that, for the voices of people with lived experience to be truly reflected, they must have a genuine influence on decisions and not just be giving feedback on your choices.

The Systems Convening approach: how to bridge professional and patient experiences through communities | Q Community webinar, 27 Jan 2022 13:00–14:00
The Systems Convening approach: how to bridge professional and patient experiences through communities Join Isabel Ho, one of the case studies in the Systems Convening Manual, as she shares her personal and professional experiences in healthcare. Get Involved Communities of Practice Leadership Development Programme Supporting Q Connections Q Visits Q Exchange Network Weaving: learning series […]

systems | complexity | cybernetics

A quick set of links on exaptation / preadaption (with a link into anticipation)
Eirini Malliarki on twitter asked for “the best resources/reads on the use of analogy in invention & innovation” What are the best resources/reads on the use of analogy in invention & innovation? — Eirini Malliaraki (@irinimalliaraki) December 16, 2021 Marco Valente mentioned exaptation. My links: This is a nice intro to the concept (preadaptation): […]

The Genealogy of Complexity — Cosmo Shalizi (2003/2021)
The Genealogy of Complexity 22 Dec 2021 10:09 The Genealogy of Complexity The Genealogy of Complexity 22 Dec 2021 10:09 The construction of the universe is certainly very much easier to explain than is that of a plant. — Lichtenberg Pinky: What are we going to do tonight, Brain?Brain: The same thing we do every […]

A history of the cybernetics movement in the United States | Umpleby (2005)
A history of the cybernetics movement in the United States S. Umpleby Published 2005 [PDF] A history of the cybernetics movement in the United States | Semantic Scholar

Complex Networks — a notebook from Cosmo Shalizi

ABCD: Origin and Essence by John McKnight — Nurture Development
ABCD: ORIGIN AND ESSENCE BY JOHN MCKNIGHT ABCD: Origin and Essence by John McKnight — Nurture Development Key papers:

Requisite Variety with BEER — YouTube
A little know concept, Requisite Variety, from Cybernetics packs a lot of punch as one of the most important laws of the Universe. It is a very powerful thinking tool, that you should be familiar with. This video guarantees that you will start observing how the world around you is shaped by Requisite Variety. When […]

Sam Rye — Fieldnote: The ‘so what’ of complexity — Parts I-III
Introduction to Part III In August I set out to draw out the themes from insights garnered from over a decade of focus on developing strategies and experiments to influence change towards regenerative environmental and social futures, in the context of complex challenges. You can read Part I : The ‘so what’ of complexity which […]

Methods and Techniques of Complex Systems Science: An Overview — Shalizi (2003, revised 2006)
Methods and Techniques of Complex Systems Science: An Overview Cosma Rohilla Shalizi (Center for the Study of Complex Systems, University of Michigan) In this chapter, I review the main methods and techniques of complex systems science. As a first step, I distinguish among the broad patterns which recur across complex systems, the topics complex systems […]

“Swimming in the vast sea of systems change”: 5 Key Lessons Nurtured Through Basecamp | by Mairi Lowe | School of System Change | Dec, 2021 | Medium
“Swimming in the vast sea of systems change”: 5 Key Lessons Nurtured Through Basecamp Mairi Lowe Following Dec 9 · 8 min read In 2021 I completed the School of System Change Basecamp programme. I was delighted to speak with the School team to share how the course shifted my mindset to help me embrace […]

STiP@50 Celebrations — OpenLearn — Open University
STiP@50 Celebrations — OpenLearn — Open University STiP@50 Celebrations Updated Tuesday, 14th December 2021 STiP@50 celebrates fifty years of distance learning at The Open Univeristy along with Systems Thinking. Find out more about systems thinking in practice with these podcasts and videos. What is STiP@50? STiP@50 celebrates the unique coupling, in 1971, between the provision […]

Systems Thinking Hub — OpenLearn — Open University
Systems Thinking in Practice Hub Welcome! Check out our fantastic range of FREE resources on systems thinking in practice. Systems Thinking Hub — OpenLearn — Open University

organisational development / transformation

Keeping Our Best Side Out — Nurture
Is keeping our best side out the same as keeping our sadness in? I’m not a fan of pretending to be ok when…

ethics in public service

Future IR35 policy under threat as FOI response suggests HMRC research was
HMRC has conceded that information was omitted from research into Off-Payroll in the public sector, which could otherwise derail private sector plans.

more brain food

What the Pandemic Is Doing to Our Brains — The
We have been doing this so long, we’re forgetting how to be normal.

The pandemic has played with our perception of
An array of stressors and the absence of new experiences and memory milestones have altered our perception of time during the pandemic and marked the distinction between objective and subjective time, according to faculty experts.

The garden of forking memes: how digital media distorts our sense of
How did the internet disrupt 20th century timekeeping systems and spark an insurgence of alternative historical narratives? How do old media institutions try (and fail) to keep up with the narratives of online subcultures? How does the immediate accessibility of so many alt histories undermine our ability to create shared visions of the future? And how might a more ecological awareness of the internet help us adapt to our disorienting digital time machines?

REVOLUTION — Stories From The Eastern West —
Nicolaus Copernicus was the orphaned son of a copper merchant . In his book ‘On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres’ he presented an Earth-shattering new idea — that maybe it wasn’t actually at the centre of the universe as everyone believed, but in fact, revolved around the Sun. Although it would take another century until Galileo was able to prove him right, Copernicus’s book, published in 1543 in Nuremberg, would mark the beginning of a very real revolution in science.

The Theory of Graceful Extensibility: Basic rules that govern adaptive systems — Woods (2018)
The Theory of Graceful Extensibility: Basic rules that govern adaptive systems December 2018Environment Systems and Decisions 38(5) Follow journal DOI: 10.1007/s10669–018–9708–3 David D Woods (PDF) The Theory of Graceful Extensibility: Basic rules that govern adaptive systems The Theory of Graceful Extensibility: Basic rules that govern adaptive systems December 2018 Environment Systems and Decisions 38(5) Follow journal […]

Tarski’s undefinability theorem —
Tarski’s undefinability theorem, stated and proved by Alfred Tarski in 1933, is an important limitative result in mathematical logic, the foundations of mathematics, and in formal semantics. Informally, the theorem states that arithmetical truth cannot be defined in arithmetic. Tarski’s undefinability theorem — Wikipedia


Enjoy your holidays… and thank you to all those essential workers who keep working.

