Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #35

Benjamin P. Taylor
24 min readJan 29, 2022


Things seem to be getting busy in my work (in all dimensions). And the work we’re doing at both the Public Service Transformation Academy and RedQuadrant is really interesting, worthwhile stuff — evaluations of critical programmes around domestic abuse, mentoring for heads of library services, feasibility studies for community hubs, inclusive commissioning, continual improvement capability building, action learning, culture shaping… it’s exciting, and for the first time it feels like activity in the sector is back to January 2020 levels. So there’s lots of public sector, RedQuadrant, and PSTA content today :-)

And, um, there’s a lot in general this week.. but it’s all fascinating and important :-)

Top phive of the week

Get involved! The Public Service Transformation Academy will be holding open sessions on supporting approaches to strategic commissioning in adult care.

The PSTA is currently working on a project to provide structure to adult social care commissioners to develop their strategic approach.

We are interested in hearing from all parties. If you’d like to share your experience or ideas to inform a free, open, local-government-wide tool and learning community.

There are several different ways that you could get involved. We are looking for interviewees, case studies and focus group attendees.

We are also planning to create an open learning community. This will meet for the first time on the afternoon of Wednesday 9 February and will meet fortnightly on four more occasions.

RedQuadrant named in the UK’s Leading Management Consultants 2022: the ratings | Financial Times

For the fourth year running, we are one fo the top consultancies recommended by clients and peers, rated by sectors and services

What do you want to read from me? Feedback welcome
The below is posted on LinkedIn, which has been the driver for my blogging — I put all my pieces, usually twice-weekly, on for the open web and (and then weekly I do a newsletter summary of the pieces and a few others links I’ve shared on Twitter and through, and share … Continue reading What do you want to read from me? →

Thriving in the space of service — for consultants, coaches, facilitators, business partners…
Thriving in the space of service — for consultants, coaches, facilitators, business partners… Have you ever been asked to help, and ended up feeling abused and misused? Why did it go that way? Whether you’re part of a bunch of #consultants dealing with a #management issue, a coach, mentor, a friend, an HR or Finance Business Partner, or … Continue reading Thriving in the space of service — for consultants, coaches, facilitators, business partners… →

RedQuadrant tool shed and Leading Transformation offers

We offer two ways for you to learn all our skills and approaches:

Significant discounts of 20% are available to those in our newsletter readers– just ask. If you would like to join the next cohort then please contact, 07887 442487.

Top Issues Facing Govt In Implementing Digital, Data and Technology strategies. | by Emma Stace | Jan, 2022 |
I’m hardly a regular tweeter, so when I posed the following question to the twitter-verse, the high levels of engagement suggest it touched a nerve. The purpose of this post is to summarise the…

How can we adopt a faster pace of digital change while getting it right?

I’m featured in this talking about #digital #transformation.

See my takeaways from the whole report here:

And my own perspective here:

Leading Self, Leading Systems Tickets, Thu 31 Mar 2022 at 09:00 | Eventbrite

An introduction to powerful work including Barry Oshry’s power+systems framework, led by John Watters, who really established this work in the UK.

NB: this is an affiliate link and the PSTA will benefit from any sales.

Ian Makgill on Twitter: “For those of us in the UK that don’t have these physical reminders of the holocaust, I strongly recommend following @AuschwitzMuseum who’s daily tweets provide a living memorial to the victims. #HMD2021…"
For those of us in the UK that don’t have these physical reminders of the holocaust, I strongly recommend following @AuschwitzMuseum who’s daily tweets provide a living memorial to the victims. #HMD2021

Michael Garfield 💫 on Twitter: “Two sides of a coin re: “illegibility” (and thus “fugitivity”). Being unseen isn’t purely good or bad but contingent on power relations in complex ways. See lyrics here: See essay here:"

Two sides of a coin re: “illegibility” (and thus “fugitivity”). Being unseen isn’t purely good or bad but contingent on power relations in complex ways.

Discussion thread including some inputs from me

public | service | transformation

Programmes from the Public Service Transformation Academy

The PSTA is launching several programmes at the moment — get in touch if you are interested in participating. We are currently recruiting for:

If you want to know more about any of these programmes, please contact, or 07887 442487

Next generation local government finance
Are you ready for the next generation? Where is local government in the rapidly changing world of finance? Are the skills in place to navigate the change? I work with lots of different UK local authorities and I can see as a local government finance leader, your inbox is relentless. Pressures are mo

Early help for children and families

Richard Selwyn

System approaches in governmental public health: Findings from an analysis of the literature — Orr, Leider, Gutilla (2021) — Systems Research and Behavioral Science
System approaches in governmental public health: Findings from an analysis of the literature Jason M. Orr,Jonathon P. Leider,Margaret J. Gutilla First published: 28 December 2021 System approaches in governmental public health: Findings from an analysis of the literature — Orr — — Systems Research and Behavioral Science — Wiley Online Library

Measuring and managing what counts — implementing the wellbeing approach to government and governance (Advert Reference: RDF22/BL/LHRM/FRENCH) at Northumbria University on
PhD Project — Measuring and managing what counts — implementing the wellbeing approach to government and governance (Advert Reference: RDF22/BL/LHRM/FRENCH) at Northumbria University, listed on

Ali Faruk on Twitter: “A new public library in my area has these work stations for caregivers with babies! Maybe these are common in other places but Ive never seen anything like this before.…"
A new public library in my area has these work stations for caregivers with babies! Maybe these are common in other places but Ive never seen anything like this before.

(PDF) The 21st-century public servant: working at three boundaries of public and private | Catherine Mangan —
The 21st-century public servant: working at three boundaries of public and private

EXCLUSIVE: NAO to consider early intervention report
The Municipal Journal (the MJ) is the online management journal for local authority business

Stronger Things 2022 — Community Power: The Movement Grows — New
Meet the leaders of the community power movement, share inspiring stories of change, and find the fresh insights to transform the way you work.

Two more council partnerships scrapped

I can’t quite get my head around why so many partnerships and shared services are being closed down *now* — though I always felt they didn’t necessarily offer *savings* over and above improvement and savings in-house.

Financial modelling in government — National Audit Office (NAO) Report
This report examines the use of financial models across government.

Forthcoming events — A Better Way

an important network

Benjamin P. Taylor on Twitter — what do the public care about?

It’s always dog shit and cycling on pavements.

A thread on what people want in their places.

systems | complexity | cybernetics

3D Abductive Thinking / Grounding 2D Meta-Fluff on
Hey Systems Thinkers the journey of how-we-represent-systems — has striking parallels with C20th French Art. the anything goes all views&voices are equal post-in-note & rich-pic craze has strong similarities with Picasso’s Bottle of Pernod 1912 (@35.00)

Bev and Etienne Wenger-Traynor — Jan 2022 — SCiO Open
Systems convening: an approach to systemic learning capability for non-systems theorists: We describe the work of people who take a systems convening approa…

The Relational Work of Systems Change — Milligan, Zerda and Kania , with webinar Feb 3, 2020, 2pm EST | Systems Community of Inquiry
Article: The Relational Work of Systems Change The Relational Work of Systems Change Webinar: collective impact forum newsletter: The Relational Work of Systems Change By Katherine Milligan, Juanita Zerda, and John KaniaFor the next installment of Collective Impact: 10 Years Later, we are excited to share the article, “The Relational Work of Systems Change,” by Katherine Milligan, Juanita…

What is Cybernetics? Conference by Stafford Beer —
What is Cybernetics? Conference by Stafford Beer What is Cybernetics? Conference by Stafford Beer — YouTube Pretty sure I’ve seen this before so I’ve probably shared it, but I am not good at searching today so didn’t find it…

The Reality War — by N.S. Lyons — The Upheaval (2021)
source: The Reality War — by N.S. Lyons — The Upheaval The Reality War Gnostics. It’s just Gnostics all the way down. N.S. Lyons Oct 29, 2021 What if I told you our world isn’t as it seems? That much of what we call politics and the “culture war” is really an ancient theological war […]

We Need to Talk About How We Talk About Systems Change… | Systems Community of Inquiry
source:We Need to Talk About How We Talk About Systems Change… — The Communications Network — We Need to Talk About How We Talk About Systems Change… | The Communications Network We Need to Talk About How We Talk About Systems Change… FRAMINGNARRATIVERESEARCH Nat Kendall-Taylor CEOFrameWorks Institute @natkendallt Bill Pitkin FellowFrameWorks Institute @billpitkin Whether it’s systemic racism,…

Relational agency: a new ontology for co-evolving systems — Heylighen (2022)
Relational agency: a new ontology for co-evolving systems Francis Heylighen Centre Leo Apostel Relational agency: a new ontology for co-evolving systems — Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Sticky Studio
Make sense of messy topics together Sticky Studio is a collaborative space for complex discussions Sticky Studio In the Ecology of Systems Thinking group on Facebook, Gene Bellinger says: Take a look at Sticky Studio from the Kumu people. A real-time web-based environment for creating relationship maps. Partway down on the entry page is a […]

Eight Criteria for Quality in Systemic Practitioner Research | Simon (2018)
Simon, G. (2018). Eight Criteria for Quality in Systemic Practitioner Research. Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice, 1(2), 40–62. More Citation Formats Eight Criteria for Quality in Systemic Practitioner Research | Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice

organisational development / transformation

Philip Hellyer on LinkedIn: The Elephant at the Intersection | 18 comments
What’s the undiscussed elephant at the heart of your business? I mean, that’s the fundamental core around which everything else must align. If you can’t… 18 comments on LinkedIn

Sonja Blignaut on Twitter
Question for those of you involved in Org Design and Development (including L&D). What do you think the biggest challenges are for the OD community in the next few years? What needs to be unlearned and what needs to be learned (e.g skills and capabilities to remain relevant)?

Systems at Play Meetup with Gene Bellinger Thursday February 24, 2022 12pm AEDT | Systems Community of Inquiry
next Systems at Play Meetup with a great long time Systems Thinker, Gene Bellinger When: Thursday, February 24, 2022: 12:00 PM to 1:30 PM AEDT Where: Systems at Play Community — Free Online EventPost | Feed | LinkedIn Alidad Hamidi(He/Him) We are excited to announce next Systems at Play Meetup with a great long time…


Part of a series of technical posts describing specialist programmes and the concepts, methods and tools developed to deliver them.

ethics in public service

AJR Refugee Voices Archive on Twitter: “Just don’t even begin to think of anyone else as ‘the other’.”
“Just don’t even begin to think of anyone else as ‘the other’.” Today is #HMD2022. We’re thinking of all our interviewees & their families. Here are messages from Bob Kirk BEM, Eva Clarke BEM & Ann Kirk BEM about lessons we can draw from their experiences. #WeRemember

Amy 🦓 on Twitter: “I had almost forgotten how horrendous the public health ad campaigns were in March 2020… “
I had almost forgotten how horrendous the public health ad campaigns were in March 2020

Whip threatened to pull funding for link road around Bath for rebelling on Brexit, ex-MP claims | Politics News | Sky News
Ben Howlett said a whip told him he would not get funding for a link road to help alleviate pollution and congestion in Bath if he kept voting against the government on Brexit.

Best for Britain on Twitter: “This is a *Conservative MP* questioning Johnson over defence spending. An incredible exchange with @Tobias_Ellwood. No grasp of the specifics, a refusal to answer or even engage, bad-tempered, hectoring. ~AA…"
This is a *Conservative MP* questioning Johnson over defence spending. An incredible exchange with @Tobias_Ellwood . No grasp of the specifics, a refusal to answer or even engage, bad-tempered, hectoring. ~AA

Nick Cohen on Twitter: “The super- rich use England’s crushing legal system to intimidate whistle blowers, journalists and even former Conservative MPs Me in @observer on the campaign to force Charlotte Leslie into “a world of pain”"
The super- rich use England’s crushing legal system to intimidate whistle blowers, journalists and even former Conservative MPs Me in @observer on the campaign to force Charlotte Leslie into “a world of pain”

Jess Bowie on Twitter: “In response to today’s Times story about “complacent” civil servants being told to fill every desk, one official says to me: “The majority of my team are online from 8am till late in the evening. I am contactable from usually 7:30 till I go to bed at 12pm””
In response to today’s Times story about “complacent” civil servants being told to fill every desk, one official says to me: “The majority of my team are online from 8am till late in the evening. I am contactable from usually 7:30 till I go to bed at 12pm”

Nusrat Ghani: PM orders Cabinet Office to investigate ‘Muslimness’ claim — BBC
Tory MP Nusrat Ghani says she was told her faith was given as a reason for her sacking as a minister.

‘“Brexit” to blame’: Huge lorry queues at Dover as port bosses call for talks on EU checks | The

‘It’s entirely “Brexit”,’ says haulier who has been caught up in 15km queues

Report on effectiveness of benefit sanctions blocked by DWP | Benefits | The Guardian
Department for Work and Pensions refused FoI request for its internal research commissioned in 2019

Michael Otsuka on Twitter: “👀Orwellian red-underlined command from the govt’s latest HE guidance👇. Even if this is assessed as too risky, based on best evidence & analysis, we must pretend that everything is now as it was before the pandemic. Ignorance is strength. (@ucu)…"
Orwellian red-underlined command from the govt’s latest HE guidance. Even if this is assessed as too risky, based on best evidence & analysis, we must pretend that everything is now as it was before the pandemic. Ignorance is strength

Colin Davis on Twitter: “Liz Truss burnt 500 tonnes of CO2 using a private jet for a return trip to Sydney (she got back the day before COP26). That’s more CO2 than the average UK citizen emits in a lifetime. The lifestyles of the rich and famous are killing us, and they’re using our money to do it.…"
Liz Truss burnt 500 tonnes of CO2 using a private jet for a return trip to Sydney (she got back the day before COP26). That’s more CO2 than the average UK citizen emits in a lifetime. The lifestyles of the rich and famous are killing us, and they’re using our money to do it.

Wolfgang Blau on Twitter: “Instead of only discussing Johnson, this remarkably self-critical text takes a look at the system that promoted him into power and how to change it. By @RoryStewartUK.…"
Instead of only discussing Johnson, this remarkably self-critical text takes a look at the system that promoted him into power and how to change it. By @RoryStewartUK .

Stop and think again — does the Health and Social Care Bill address the issues?
The Municipal Journal (the MJ) is the online management journal for local authority business

🌍 Remote Work Academy 🚀 on Twitter: “This photo was taken in the London metro before the pandemic. On a normal day during rush hour, as people commuted to the office in the morning. It was their daily routine. This is the “old normal” many leaders want to go back to. A thread 👇…"
This photo was taken in the London metro before the pandemic. On a normal day during rush hour, as people commuted to the office in the morning. It was their daily routine. This is the “old normal” many leaders want to go back to. A thread

Simon Nixon on Twitter: “Boris Johnson wants to hold on to power because there is so much he still wants to achieve. Well one thing anyway. Floreat Etona!…"
Boris Johnson wants to hold on to power because there is so much he still wants to achieve. Well one thing anyway. Floreat Etona!

Lizzie Dearden on Twitter: “Breaking: The Home Office has admitted exercising an unlawful and secret policy of seizing mobile phones from all migrants crossing the English Channel Lawyers made admission at the High Court, while fighting legal action brought by three asylum seekers"
Breaking: The Home Office has admitted exercising an unlawful and secret policy of seizing mobile phones from all migrants crossing the English Channel Lawyers made admission at the High Court, while fighting legal action brought by three asylum seekers

Home Office loses case over stripping citizenship without notice after challenge by alleged Isis member | The
Court of Appeal says parliament must decide whether Priti Patel should be given new powers

Dr Mike Galsworthy on Twitter: “When told about civilian deaths in Yemen, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson…
When told about civilian deaths in Yemen, Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson would just “joke around” and not care. That makes last week’s reports about him being in tears, about his own career, even more galling.

Firms Employing MPs Won £1.1 Billion in Contracts During Pandemic — Byline
Ten companies received more than £1.1 billion in Government contracts during the Coronavirus pandemic while employing Conservative and Liberal Democrat MPs as advisors or non-executive directors, Byline Times can reveal. This includes one company that was awarded hundreds of millions in contracts despite the Government previously being advised to put a three year hold on awarding it any contracts due to allegations of “recurring professional misconduct”. The data, sourced by Tussell, covers the period from January 2020 to December 2021 and gives an insight into the public contracts awarded to firms that are advised by MPs.

Met apologises to woman for ‘sexist, derogatory’ language in strip-search | Metropolitan police | The Guardian

Force pays compensation to Dr Konstancja Duff for language used after CCTV captures officers’ comments

Ian Dunt: “This academic tried to hand a legal advice card to a 15-year-old caught in a stop-and-search sweep. Police responded by arresting her, holding her down on the floor, cutting off all her clothes and repeatedly insulting her.”

Ryan Breslow 🕺 on Twitter
Stripe and YCombinator, the Mob Bosses of Silicon Valley, a thread:

Marina Purkiss on Twitter

MPs can claim thousands per month to cover rent, gas, electric & internet bills on their 2nd homes

But our Govt is about to close “a loophole” that allowed the rest of us to claim up to £125 per year for gas, electric & internet bills on our only home

That is also our office

environmental and social justice

A function map of the food supply

Birmingham Food Council on YouTube

We should rip welfare policy out of the hands of a failing Westminster — New Local
Today’s announcement on Universal Credit is one more example of welfare policy set to serve the interests of the politically powerful rather than the unemployed and the economy.

Brent Toderian on Twitter — regreening
Never forget that when Seoul, Korea removed the Cheonggyecheon expressway in 2003 & replaced it with a restored stream & 1000 acre park in the city’s centre, not only did it transform the city’s public life & economic success, but the traffic got better.

Alex Bozikovic on
In Jane Jacobs’s neighbourhood, toddlers ringing bells in the park is now forbidden

Oxford University identifies 145 artefacts looted in Benin raid | University of Oxford | The Guardian
Plundered items likely to be returned to Nigeria include brass plaques, bronze figures and musical instruments

Genuine involvement requires a re-balance of decision-making
Organisations can struggle to move from light touch consultations to involving people with lived experience in decision-making. In order to truly reflect the voices of people with lived experience, you must give them genuine influence over decisions.

more brain food

antlerboy on Twitter — watch this on metamodernism
I really urge you to do yourself a favour and watch all of this speech — which I think is part performance art — about video game design and marketing, but much more about #metamodernism How to Write Games for the Internet without Embarrassing Yourself

Simon Willison on Twitter: “Federal government memo: “Consistent with the practices outlined in SP 800–63B, agencies must remove password policies that require special characters and regular password rotation from all systems within one year of the issuance of this memorandum.” Yes!…"
Federal government memo: “Consistent with the practices outlined in SP 800–63B, agencies must remove password policies that require special characters and regular password rotation from all systems within one year of the issuance of this memorandum.” Yes!

Ethan Mollick on Twitter — the hottest and coldest places in the
A fact that shows human achievement: Both the hottest & coldest places in the universe have been on Earth in the last decade CERN’s Large Hadron Collider hit 9.9 trillion Fahrenheit. And an experiment at the Bremen Drop Tower got to 38 trillionths of a degree above absolute zero

Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana — von Glasersfeld (1990)
Distinguishing the Observer: An Attempt at Interpreting Maturana German Version published in: V. Riegas & C. Vetter (eds.) Zur Biologie 125.2 der Kognition. Frankfurt, Germany: Suhrkamp, 281–295, 1990. This paper was downloaded from the Ernst von Glasersfeld Homepage, maintained by Alexander Riegler. It is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. To view a copy […]

cantlin on Twitter: “The current default work stack — Slack, GSuite & email — is so obviously, hilariously bad. What are the companies replacing it that I’ve spent too long in Big Cos to know about (and don’t say Notion)?”
The current default work stack — Slack, GSuite & email — is so obviously, hilariously bad. What are the companies replacing it that I’ve spent too long in Big Cos to know about (and don’t say Notion)?

Improvising Out of Algorithmic Isolation | by Michael Garfield | Medium | Systems Community of Inquiry
Improvising Out of Algorithmic Isolation Michael Garfield Mar 25, 2021Improvising Out of Algorithmic Isolation | by Michael Garfield | Medium Goes with

The Centre for Public Data on Twitter
Yesterday, Cabinet Office minister Lord Agnew resigned dramatically in the House of Lords. This could be the first ministerial resignation explicitly triggered by government data failures. on what we learned about data yesterday..

Overthrow of Slobodan Milošević — Wikipedia
The overthrow of Slobodan Milošević in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, began after the presidential election on 24 September and culminated in the downfall of Slobodan Milošević’s government on 5 October 2000. It is sometimes referred to as the 5 October Overthrow (Serbian: Петооктобарска револуција, Petooktobarska revolucija, lit. ‘The October 5 Revolution’) and sometimes colloquially called the Bager revolucija (lit. ‘Bulldozer Revolution’), after one of the most memorable episodes from the day-long protest in which a heavy equipment operator charged the Radio Television of Serbia building, considered to be symbolic of the Milošević regime’s propaganda.

OSF Preprints | Thinking like a State — Embodied intelligence in the deep history of our collective minds | Systems Community of Inquiry
Thinking like a State — Embodied intelligence in the deep history of our collective minds AUTHORS Avel GUÉNIN — CARLUTOSF Preprints | Thinking like a State — Embodied intelligence in the deep history of our collective minds

Like-minded Visionaries: Marshall McLuhan and Buckminster Fuller | McLuhan Galaxy
Like-minded Visionaries Like-minded Visionaries: Marshall McLuhan and Buckminster Fuller | McLuhan Galaxy

The Gorilla in the Room — Radiology Today Magazine (on Inattentional Blindness)
source: The Gorilla in the Room — Radiology Today Magazine The Gorilla in the RoomBy Beth W. OrensteinRadiology TodayVol. 22 №3 P. 22 Studies show why some radiologists may turn a blind eye to unexpected abnormalities. The Gorilla in the Room By Beth W. Orenstein Radiology Today Vol. 22 №3 P. 22 The […]

JF Martel on Twitter: “”The house doesn’t shelter us from cosmic forces; at most it filters and selects them.” — Deleuze & Guattari (image: Paul Klee, Three Houses)…"
“The house doesn’t shelter us from cosmic forces; at most it filters and selects them.” — Deleuze & Guattari (image: Paul Klee, Three Houses)

Steven Shorrock on Twitter: “No posts since March 2021 then three come at once 🚌🚌🚌 Proxies for work-as-done: Work-as-simulated Work-as-instructed Work-as-measured"
No posts since March 2021 then three come at once Proxies for work-as-done: Work-as-simulated… Work-as-instructed… Work-as-measured

i had a ben shapiro/jordan peterson phase… and i’m glad i
i think this is my most controversial video so far, so let’s see how this goes lol. i don’t sound as eloquent without a script, but i hope you all still enjo…

The Conspiracy Chart TikTok
Compilation of all my Conspiracy Charts videos from the original design to parts 1–5 breaking it down. Enjoy! Twitter: @abbieasrInstagram: @abbiesrTikTok: @t…

A Chemical Hunger — Part I: Mysteries — SLIME MOLD TIME
The study of obesity is the study of mysteries.

The Poetry of the Lavender Label | Going Green with Lisa
I’d like to take you on a tour of the Lavender Castile Soap label, which holds great insight for me into my grandfather, Dr. Bronner’s, motivations and goals.

Alex Selby-Boothroyd on Twitter: “I’m at a conference about data communication. How much is too much data? This lift has the answer… “
I’m at a conference about data communication. How much is too much data? This lift has the answer

Emmanuel Quartey on Twitter: “How do you design a 100-year home in Accra? This thread distills 2+ years of learning Full floor plans, material choices, and design decisions we made in pursuit of a beautiful, adaptable family home ❤️🏡#QHome (1/n)…"
How do you design a 100-year home in Accra? This thread distills 2+ years of learning Full floor plans, material choices, and design decisions we made in pursuit of a beautiful, adaptable family home #QHome (1/n)

Adaptive Computing — Carlos Gershenon — free course
source: ADAPTIVE COMPUTING Adaptive Computing ADAPTIVE COMPUTING Class overview Complex systems are characterized by interactions that may generate novel information. This information can change problems, so previous solutions become obsolete. To face complexity, we need adaptation. In this course, we will cover different methods for building systems that can adapt to unforeseen changes. Go to […]

David Holz on Twitter: “FPV from a penguin is a reminder of all the living experiences we’ve yet to imagine… “
FPV from a penguin is a reminder of all the living experiences we’ve yet to imagine

Dr. Cat Hicks 📈🦄🏳️‍🌈 on Twitter: “If you have a robust skincare routine you have demonstrated aptitude in many core skills of data science. I will not be taking criticism of this idea. Girls who have developed personalized skincare routines know more about multivariate causal inference than many engineers.”
If you have a robust skincare routine you have demonstrated aptitude in many core skills of data science. I will not be taking criticism of this idea. Girls who have developed personalized skincare routines know more about multivariate causal inference than many engineers.

Benjamin P. Taylor on Twitter: “Finally — the ultimate DAO!… “
Finally — the ultimate DAO!

‘It’s a show about love’: Desert Island Discs celebrates 80 years on air | Desert Island Discs | The Guardian
As the radio classic marks a major anniversary, it’s the shared human experience revealed by the castaways that keeps us hooked

antlerboy on Twitter

Two good pieces, the first a long read:

How Oxford University shaped “Brexit” — and Britain’s next prime minister

“Brexit”: a coup by one set of public schoolboys against another



The Sting on Twitter: “In 1979 CHiPs had an episode where Poncho had to organise a celebrity Roller Disco (because that’s what law enforcement officers do). This might be the most 70s thing you’ll see all day.…"
In 1979 CHiPs had an episode where Poncho had to organise a celebrity Roller Disco (because that’s what law enforcement officers do). This might be the most 70s thing you’ll see all day.

Lights at sea

via @emollick

“Here are the lighthouses of Europe.

The map is even better than it might seem at first glance: the colors are the real colors, the patterns are the real patterns, and the size of the dots is the distance at which each light is visible.”

hollyonthehill on Twitter — the beauty of nature’s
This is ice on my dry sidewalk. I am blown away at its beauty.

Matthew Highton on Twitter — Spice Girls
I’ve created the fabled Spice Girls Melange and put the Spice Girls into Dune.

New breakfast cereals

from AI weirdness

Benjamin P. Taylor on
Live, from the movie — with the Rolling Stone review: Paul Simon — Long, Long Day (Live) and, from the Muppet Show:

