Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #42

Benjamin P. Taylor
12 min readMar 19, 2022


1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 14, 21, 42

I have a great new gig, the buying of reputation and spread of corruption, rejection, giving advice, systems change, and a lot lot more…

Top phive of the week

What’s your dream role — if you didn’t even have to leave your current job?

Mine involves #systemschange, #collaborativedesign, #innovation for #socialjustice, and #metaconsulting 🙂 People talk about ‘side gigs,’ at least when they’re trying to be trendy. But I’m a consultant — and the sort of person who does this sort of thing — so I end up wearing a number of hats:– RedQuadrant (a network consultancy)– The Public Service Transformation Academy (a not-for-profit partnership social enterprise)– trying to support SCiO — … Continue reading What’s your dream role — if you didn’t even have to leave your current job? →

How good are you at getting rejected? What rejections have shaped you? And when are you planning on getting rejected next?

It’s a key skill for #innovation, #creativity, #entrepreneurship, #leadership, #selfdevelopment — but it gets too little attention. A recent tweet reminded me how I got this insight from learning about Rejection Therapy. The theory is that our brains are fairly ‘hard wired’ to avoid rejection. The logic is clear: being rejected by your family or your tribe would, for most of … Continue reading How good are you at getting rejected? What rejections have shaped you? And when are you planning on getting rejected next? →

Tom Critchlow on
If you work with clients then I wrote a thing about not assuming control over your client, the language you use and the ability to be vulnerable. It’ll make you a better consultant / advisor / client partner:

public | service | transformation

Open source revenues and benefits — Dave
Am really chuffed to be a part of this project, funded by the team at DLUHC, to see how portable the in-house developed revenues and benefits system from Sedgemoor council is. We will also be looking at the licensing and governance model for making the system potentially open source — potentially a revolutionary move. What’s…

Considering Community Wellbeing in Times of Covid-19 and Levelling

This joint project by the Universities of Birmingham, Durham and Warwick explores the interrelationships between individual and community wellbeing. In this blog post, the authors consider how individual and community wellbeing are changing in contemporary circumstances.

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The Wellbeing State — a long term approach to national resilience and

In this blog, Nancy Hey, the executive director of What Works Wellbeing, discusses the findings of the recent report by the House of Lords Select Committee on Covid-19 and outlines why she welcomes their overall recommendation — that the UK needs to move towards a Wellbeing State. Read the blog here.

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Learning Ecosystems: A new model for levelling up skills in

This report, from the Lifelong Education Commission, seeks to explore how a place-based approach to education and skills can transform lifelong learning, building on recent work at Doncaster to establish a local ‘Talent and Innovation Ecosystem’. Read their full report here.

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Council chiefs call for reform of ‘adversarial’ SEND

Local authority leaders have called on the Government to tackle the rise in tribunals over children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) disagreements as they warn the whole system has become ‘increasingly adversarial’. Read more here.

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RSPH | Top 20 public health achievements of the 21st century
Top 20 public health achievements of the 21st century

Evaluating the Person-led transitional and strength based response: A new way to respond to homelessness?

NEF Consulting, working with the Mayday Trust in Northampton, has compiled a report on how person led, transitional and strength based responses can be used in responses to homelessness. Find out more here.

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systems | complexity | cybernetics

SystemsConvening on
New blog interview on ‘Systems Convening’ in practice, with Madi Hoskin — who’s one of the case studies in the book ‘Systems Convening’. (And look out for the upcoming blog/videos with Madi — on how to do Systems Convening in a project management environment — too!).
Erm, hmm. System is a free, open, and living public resource that aims to explain how anything in the world is related to everything else. Overview: Annoucing the public beta: (h/t Systems Change Finland)

Where did the Eco go in Systemic Practice? | Palmer (2021) Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic
Where did the Eco go in Systemic Practice? Published: Dec 9, 2021 DOI: Keywords:Bateson EcoSystemic systemic therapy ecology systemic activism posthuman systemic practice Hugh Palmer Where did the Eco go in Systemic Practice? | Murmurations: Journal of Transformative Systemic Practice

Seventy years of Family Therapy, from Bateson until now. What’s new? Tickets, Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 12:00 PM
Seventy years of Family Therapy, from Bateson until now. What’s new? Seventy years of Family Therapy, from Bateson until now. What’s new? Tickets, Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 12:00 PM | Eventbrite ASC Series — Seventy years of Family Therapy, from Bateson until now. What’s new? March 20, 2021 | 9:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 18:00 CEST FREE REGISTRATION Abstract Over […]

President’s Series 17: Cybernetics Tickets, Wed 13 Apr 2022 at 17:00 UK time — Design Cybernetics as a language for Service Design with Dr. Gustav Borgefalk and Russell
President’s Series 17: Cybernetics by Cybernetics Society — President’s Series £0 — £20 President’s Series 17: Cybernetics Tickets, Wed 13 Apr 2022 at 17:00 | Eventbrite

Cat Drop Borneo — by Gene Bellinger — SystemsWiki’s
Cat Drop Borneo Does the story hang together? Gene Bellinger Cat Drop Borneo — by Gene Bellinger — SystemsWiki’s Musings

Control and Correlation — SLIME MOLD TIME
Control and Correlationmarch 15, 2022 slimemoldtimemoldcybernetics, statistics Control and Correlation — SLIME MOLD TIME MOLD

Kevin Baker ⌜ktb⌟ on Twitter: “If you’re interested in the history of feedback thinking before cybernetics and digital computation, this is as good place to
⌜ktb⌟@kevinbakerIf you’re interested in the history of feedback thinking before cybernetics and digital computation, this is as good place to start. It treats servo engineering, etc, as more than just a prelude to cybernetics. (1) ⌜ktb⌟ on Twitter: “If you’re interested in the history of feedback thinking before cybernetics and digital computation, this is as […]

Resources — Dalmau
Resources Resources — Dalmau Consulting Lots of interesting systems | complexity | cybernetics resources om Tim Dalmau’s refreshed site marking a true milestone of 40 years in consulting!

Raghav Rajagopalan, “Immersive Systemic Knowing” — book, video
Raghav Rajagopalan Aug 17, 2021 Immersive Systemic KnowingAdvancing Systems Thinking Beyond Rational Analysis SPRINGER NATURE 2020 New Books Network | Raghav Rajagopalan, “Immersive Systemic Knowing:… Book link: Four ways of knowing — European School of Governance, position paper #55 by Raghav Rajagopalan Presentation at Metaphorum 27 May 2021 — Meta Rational Ways of Knowing […]

organisational development / transformation

Is your organization alive? — by Christian
Curiosity about life of the individual and the collective

Theory of Change

Interactive theory of change website

katrina mulligan on Twitter
What is a bureaucratic saying that you love? I was in a meeting recently where someone said “let’s see how many penguins we can fit on this iceberg” and I want to say it all the time, everywhere.

ethics in public service

The Times on
“Because I don’t really fully understand the whole idea of why, when people get married, the woman loses her name. I really want her name to continue on with the Hamilton name”

Nick🇬🇧🇪🇺🇺🇦 on Twitter
The Telegraph Newspaper is estimated “to have recieved many millions” from the Russian State News Agency — RIA Novosti — to run Russia reports from 2007 onwards. During this time Telegraph’s reporting on Putin softened — while the paper became increasingly anti Europe.

Lara Spirit on Twitter
NEW: Number 10 don’t deny that Boris Johnson offered constituency funding and jobs directly to MPs in return for personal support during partygate. On Johnson’s very particular use of prime ministerial patronage, with @GaryJMarshall90 in @tortoise .

Paulina Milewska on
It’s time for once and for all acknowledge that fixers are essential workers for western media outlets. Covering conflicts wouldn’t be possible without them. The precarious work conditions and no bylines for them should end ASAP

meeting security requirements and provider lock-in
Oh lovely. Our forced ‘security upgrade’ thanks to Cyber Essentials requirements has: — forced us all to a website called ‘windowsazure dot com’ to log in with credentials then give an off-MS365 email and SMS (not a scam) — cut off my access to all my workflows, normal email etc

Brexitshambles on
Appears the RMT had read the writing on the dock wall when, to protect jobs, it called for P&O Ferries to be nationalised after its owners paid a £270m dividend to shareholders while demanding £150m from the British taxpayer to keep their operation going!

Kevin Rothrock on
Police in Nizhny Novgorod arrested a demonstrator today for protesting with a blank sign. Welcome to Russia in 2022.

Brexit trade deals may not deliver ‘actual economic benefits’, MPs warn | The Independent
Scathing report by Public Accounts Committee criticises government’s approach

Gabriel Pogrund on Twitter
Keir Starmer has written to Lord Bew of Holac asking it to make two unprecedented decisions: review Lebedev’s peerage, publish its advice to the PM Marina Litvinenko also calls for review Lebedev refused to comment at all but on Friday denied being a national security risk

UK is with EU on Twitter
Braverman: people would be outraged if we drop security checks on Ukrainians refugees Streeting: you didn’t worry about security checks when Johnson put Lebedev in the lords Hastings: The Tory parties relationship with Russian oligarchs is a badge of shame

Ed Davey MP 🔶 🇬🇧 🇪🇺 on Twitter
Boris Johnson has serious questions to answer over his decision to put Evgeny Lebedev in the Lords. We need a full, independent public inquiry to establish all the facts, taking evidence from Johnson, and anyone else involved in the decision, under oath.

Casey Michel 🇰🇿 on Twitter
‘Kotsyuba is one of seven Harvard University associates, as well as the Harvard Library, who signed the petition, calling out their own place of employment for accepting money from Kremlin oligarchs like Blavatnik.’

Zarah Sultana MP on Twitter
Today the Saudi regime executed 81 men, in the largest mass execution in its history. Yet Boris Johnson is about to visit Saudi Arabia to beg for more oil. If the government really cared about human rights, it would end its cosy relationship with the Saudis.

environmental and social justice

User oppression in human-computer interaction: a dialectical-existential perspective — Frederick van Amstel
This research theorizes the condition of human beings reduced to being users (and only users) in human-computer interaction (HCI), a condition that favors them becoming objects or targets of commercial dark patterns, racialized profiling algorithms, generalized surveillance, gendered interfaces and heteromation.

Benjamin P. Taylor on
PCS withdraws from Cabinet Office review into racism and discrimination

How Banks Destroyed Haiti
#Haiti #History #ImperialismJoin me to learn how one major event changed the course of Haiti’s history, and lead it to becoming the nation it is today. The i…

Yugopnik on Twitter
You look at American history differently when you understand that the extermination of Natives and creation of the colonial world is quite literally the same thing Nazis wanted to do to Europe — only successful.

more brain food

How to become a brain myth buster — Ness Labs
Anyone can become a brain myth buster and contribute to dispelling neuromyths, whether in education, at work, or in their daily lives.

Sartre, Foucault, Deleuze and Guattari all hit the streets in May 68. Their names were also written down in the notebooks of American intelligence agents. Th…

Practice Item #01 — The Imperfect
“It’s all imaginary anyway. That’s why it’s important. People only fight over imaginary things.” Mr Nancy (American Gods, by Neil Gaiman) There’s a certain sense of absurdity in writing these posts. I can’t explain it yet, but I’m sure it’ll make sense as the process goes on. The premise is that each piece be an…

The Kihbernetics Institute on Twitter
The #constructivist views of the physiologist Claude Bernard, who introduced the idea of the body’s “inner world”, conflicted with the #cybernetic views of his contemporary, Louis Pasteur, over whether, as William Osler noted, the cause of the disease is the “seed” or the “soil”.

Octopuses were around before dinosaurs, fossil find suggests | Palaeontology | The Guardian
Oldest known ancestor of octopuses unearthed in Montana in form of approximately 330m-year-old fossil

Jay Hulme on
This story of a guy accidentally discovering his wife is the world’s best Tetris player is absolutely one of my favourite things and I keep going back to it.…

Eric Topol on
In contrast to the average time of > 8 years for successful vaccines to be developed, validated, and administered, the first Covid vaccine took 326 days. A new moonshot effort is to get that down to 100 days

Tom McKay on Twitter
theory: the Russian military got McKinsey’ed. there’s like an 800 page white paper on the invasion they paid $60 million for

Dr Adam Rutherford on Twitter

The length of a day fluctuates over the course of a year by almost 15 minutes, yet 24hrs remains the metric for a day regardless — meantime. We constantly adjust clocks to coordinate our lives, including the arbitrary addition of days and seconds.


Benjamin P. Taylor on Twitter
Heardle — That daily musical intros game

Desire path made me laugh out
Desire path made me laugh out loud

Jen Gentleman 🌺 on
I am the night

Virtual Perfection Cowboy on

is there no bed for a weary traveller?

