Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #5

Benjamin P. Taylor
5 min readJul 23, 2021


A little later than usual this week. I’d welcome feedback on how you are finding these newsletters!

A reminder — you can ask me

Ask me about Systems | Cybernetics | Complexity in Public | Service | Transformation… and anything else you’d like… Leave a 30-second voicemail on Racket and I’ll reply:

👉🏻 👈🏻

Top items of the week

Essential practices for organisation — talk on 13

What do you think are the most essential practices for organisation? Practices are: things you make a commitment to things you do regularly things you get better at, through practice And, over time, sometimes practices can fade when you learn to follow the underlying principles. But, unlike principles, practices give you a go-to, something to …

The critical role of procurement in public value

My ‘opening remarks’ as Chair and session notes from the second day of the Public Sector Show 2021. Replays of the sessions — several are highly recommended — still available.

I’m speaking at Australasian Change Days 2021

The theme is: Steering into and embracing complexity. How might we navigate the true challenge of change with intention and direction.

My topic: ‘Honest, Guvnor’ — how to use manipulation, compliance, and lies to drive change

#acdc2021 three-day virtual event 9–11 September 2021


Sense of Coherence — an overview

Sense of Coherence Sense of coherence refers to a person’s ability to use existing and potential resources to combat stress and promote health, and it is measured based on one’s perception of manageability, meaning, and comprehensibility (Antonovsky, 1987) […]

Systems 1: An Introduction to Systems Thinking | updated — Draper Kauffman and Morgan Kauffman

The first textbook on systems thinking written for a broad audience, and now updated for the modern reader… originally written in 1980, it has remained a classic and a mainstay […]

The Role of Hierarchy in Self-Organizing Systems

This paper discusses the role of hierarchy in human systems. Two kinds of self-organizing processes are distinguished: conservative and dissipative self-organization…

The Handbook of Handbooks for Decentralised Organising — Richard D Bartlett
The Handbook of Handbooks for Decentralised Organising The Handbook of Handbooks for Decentralised Organising — HackMD

Owtcome — Senseframing Model — Daiana Zavate
linkedin update: Post | Feed | LinkedIn How to weave systems out of our stories? And what is our default learning mode? The honest answer is: I don’t know. But that is a good starting point. In the pursuit to grow our understanding of the world and its relationship to us, it might be worth […]

Adaptability is set to be the key skill for the
Adaptability is set to be the key skill for the future Jessica Schueller and Hugo Figueiredo 03 July 2021 Adaptability is set to be the key skill for the future


Why don’t they ask us? The role of communities in levelling up | Institute for Community
Download our latest report which examines how to fix local economies for communities.

Which world do you live in?
There are ‘five worlds’ in any service, especially #publicservices, or #systemschange A simplification that can help understanding, from a small service to a whole place-based system In citizen (customer) world, we live our lives, trying to achieve our purposes. We prefer to get on with things ourselves; sometimes we need help, sometimes we even create … Continue reading Which world do you live in? →

Organisational development / transformation

We’re all trying to make sense of things — in our own way and from where we are
Everyone responds to the incentives, demands, risks, and situations they face — only a tiny bit of this is visible to anyone else. That’s why I use the ‘blind men and the elephant’. My point is not that we can ever see ‘the whole of the elephant’ — forget it. Everyone’s world is their own, unique, […]

You should never publish your values or behaviours if you want culture change
Culture is the scoreboard, not the game. If you try to specify the score you want, you’re far more likely to do things that are counter-productive than you are to work on the things that will change how the game is going. As soon as you publish values and behaviours, you get three things:1- indignation […]

Environmental and social justice

Cops Using Music to Try to Stop Being Filmed Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg | Electronic Frontier Foundation
Someone tries to livestream their encounters with the police, only to find that the police started playing music. In the case of a February 5 meeting between an activist and the Beverly Hills Police Department, the song of choice was Sublime’s “Santeria.” The police may not got no crystal ball, but…

Meaningful measures of human society in the twenty-first century | Lazer et al (2021)

Nature | Meaningful measures of human society in the twenty-first century David Lazer, Eszter Hargittai, Deen Freelon, Sandra Gonzalez-Bailon, Kevin Munger, Katherine Ognyanova & Jason Radford Nature […]

More brain food

Teacher Tom: We Will Win When We
Reflections on teaching and learning from preschoolers

