Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #59

Benjamin P. Taylor
7 min readAug 6, 2022


Mega amazing systems thinking practitioner apprenticeships

The RedQuadrant tool shed

Underlying purpose

£70bn contract for Net Zero (not)

Systems genealogy

The Visual Cliff and perceptual ecology

Artist as Cultural Shaman, Kendrick Lamar

Police surveillance of protest

The citizen future

Living Systems

A Foxy approach to systems thinking by Venkatesth Rao (excellent)

Cybernetic leadership from ANU School of Cybernetics (I’m slightly unsure, but I think very good)

Reality, second order cybernetics, two-sided form,

And models of local government

Systems thinking practitioner, level 7, from Cherith Simmons with SCiO (England and Wales Practitioner Levy funded)
In England or Wales? There are still places left on the first cohort of the Level 7 Systems Thinking Practitioner Apprenticeship from Cherith Simmons, delivered in partnership with SCiO. It’s a postgrad equivalent course — with no degree required, 30 month day release and working on your real work challenges, funded by the Apprenticeship Levy in England … Continue reading Systems thinking practitioner, level 7, from Cherith Simmons with SCiO (England and Wales Practitioner Levy funded) →

What small groups have really made a difference to your life?
I don’t mean mentors, one-to-one relationships where someone really helps you develop and grow. And I don’t necessarily mean friendship groups — or family — the people we are thrust together with and comfortable (or even uncomfortable) with over a long period of time. I mean those groups we land up in which usually have … Continue reading What small groups have really made a difference to your life? →

What kind of transformation could you unlock by digging down to underlying purpose?
Join the discussion on LinkedIn at What’s the purpose of your organisation, or service? are you sure? I often help people to get to grips with transformation ideas, looking for real innovation. And I keep coming back to a case study of work done by my erstwhile colleague Garath Symonds FRSA. It connects two things:– … Continue reading What kind of transformation could you unlock by digging down to underlying purpose? →

Sustainably Run and proud, making a difference every day

RedQuadrant and the Public Service Transformation Academy

Have planted a total 5663 trees through Sustainably Run

No, it’s not a £70bn contract for Net Zero — it’s a sole prime supplier call-off framework across public service. But that’s very interesting…
There’s a degree of excitement being generated on Twitter by people who really should know better (see along the lines of: “A small consulting firm in Cornwall, with assets of only £350k, which seems to specialise on education, has just been awarded a £70bn gov’t contract to deliver the entire UK public sector’s transition … Continue reading No, it’s not a £70bn contract for Net Zero — it’s a sole prime supplier call-off framework across public service. But that’s very interesting… →

Video: “An Overview of Systems Lineages and Implications for Research and Practice“, Deborah Hammond, ISSS meeting in Boulder, Colorado 2016 | Systems Community of Inquiry
Linked from David Ing’s piece just shared, 2016 recording of a lecture by Debora Hammond on “An Overview of Systems Lineages and Implications for Research and Practice“, given a the ISSS meeting in Boulder, Colorado Systems Thinking in Practice — Debora Hammond PhD on Vimeo

Genealogy of Systems Thinking | Debora Hammond | 2002 | Systems Community of
Reblogged on

The Visual Cliff: Eleanor Gibson & the Origins of Affordance | Systems Community of
David Ing surface this, saying: The cybernetics tradition has been described as outmoded by the “perceptual ecology” of J.J. Gibson with affordances, says Erica Robles Anderson (NYU) and Scott Ferguson (U. South Florida). Cybernetics has long been narrated as the paradigm that shaped human-computer interactions. Perceptual ecology reveals another path, equally foundational but ontologically distinct.…

Artist as Cultural Shaman, Kendrick
The hip hop artist drops a profound new statement

Lost in the Matrix — how police surveillance is mapping protest movements —
How can British police, who have struggled for so long to justify its surveillance on alleged “extremists”, ever hope to adequately categorise something as subjective as people’s political opinions? As Netpol asked in March 2021, how do campaigners become “aggravated activists” — the new label applied to those taking action that challenges state and corporate […]

Citizen future: Why we need a new story of self and society — BBC
Are you a ‘subject’, a ‘consumer’… or a ‘citizen’? Authors Jon Alexander and Ariane Conrad argue we need a new narrative for citzenship.

A General Theory of Living Systems | James Grier Miller — Coevolving Innovations
A General Theory of Living Systems | James Grier Miller August 2, 2022 daviding A General Theory of Living Systems | James Grier Miller — Coevolving Innovations

Hypotheses Concerning Living Systems | James Grier Miller — Coevolving Innovations (David Ing)
Hypotheses Concerning Living Systems | James Grier Miller August 3, 2022 daviding Hypotheses Concerning Living Systems | James Grier Miller — Coevolving Innovations

Systems Thinking: A Foxy Approach — Venkatesh Rao (2013)
Systems Thinking: A Foxy Approach Systems Thinking: A Foxy Approach

Cybernetic Leadership — Exploring skills for leading change in a disrupted, tech-enabled world (white paper)| ANU School of Cybernetics
Cybernetic LeadershipExploring skills for leading change in a disrupted, tech-enabled world Cybernetic Leadership | ANU School of Cybernetics

BBC — Radio 4 — The Reith Lectures Transcripts 1948–1959–1950 — John Zachary Young: Doubt and Certainty in Science Reith 1950 — John Zachary Young: Doubt and Certainty in Science 1. The Biologist’s Approach to Man 2. Brains as Machines 3. The Human Calculating Machine 4. The Establishment of Certainty 5. How We Learn to Communicate 6. The Changing Symbols of Science 7. The Mechanistics Interpretation of Nature 8. Made in What Image? […]

Controlling Complexity: From Nonlinear Systems To Complex Networks And Beyond. Ischia, Italy. September 9–10, 2022
Originally posted on Complexity Digest: The International Workshop Controlling Complexity aims at bringing together researchers from the fields of nonlinear systems and control, optimization, and complex networks to celebrate the 70th birthday of Franco Garofalo who started the research group on nonlinear systems and complex networks at the University of Naples Federico II with a…

Originally posted on LEBBEUS WOODS: Following on Neil Spiller’s reference to radical Constructivism, I thought it important to re-post (ZEROES AND ONES, November, 2008, in a more readable form) one of its seminal texts by Heinz von Foerster, the founder of second-order cybernetics and a leading radical Constructivist. A personal note. I had the great…

From Cybernetics to Second-Order Cybernetics: A Comparative Analysis of Their Central Ideas | Froese (2010)
From Cybernetics to Second-Order Cybernetics: A Comparative Analysis of Their Central Ideas (99+) From Cybernetics to Second-Order Cybernetics: A Comparative Analysis of Their Central Ideas | Tom Froese —

Navigating different models of local government.

Councils are faced with having to reinvent themselves in times of great uncertainty. Read more about these reinventions on Noelito’s blog.

Two-sided form, differentiation and second-order observation in Escher’s artworks and Calvino’s stories | Appignanesi (2018)
Two-sided form, differentiation and second-order observation in Escher’s artworks and Calvino’s stories Article informationLaura Appignanesi (99+) Kybernetes Two-sided form, differentiation and second-order observation in Escher’s artworks and Calvino’s stories Article information | Laura Appignanesi —



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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