Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #60

Benjamin P. Taylor
8 min readAug 29, 2022


A UK Bank Holiday special, after the shocking gap of three weeks — two road trips and travelling by car takes a lot of time and attention!

Mostly systems things, and self-promotion — sorry :-)

Work is keeping me even busier than usual at the moment, and I’m feeling it more than usual, too — looking for some quieter times to think and be in the autumn… but at the same time a lot of the work is really interesting and rewarding! :-D

I hope everyone reading this is well as we prepare to go ‘back to school’…

The risks of ‘seeing the whole’

Have you ever been encouraged to ‘see the whole’, or ‘think holistically’? Have you read that it is critical for our #future that we ‘see the whole of the elephant’? It’s true — but it’s not the whole story. And because it’s a one-sided argument trying to rebalance a polarised, competitive …

Is it really change management, or are you just running interference for change that is going to happen anyway?

Join me at Australasian Change Days #ACDC2022 for connection, insight, conversation, and learning!

Is it really change management, or are you just running interference for change that is going to happen anyway?

Every year, this conference delivers a worldwide (virtual) attendance and: — top class speakers …

I’m planning a new cohort of the RedQuadrant tool shed — might this be valuable to you or someone you know?

Let me know if you’re interested to join!

(The original post-its that set up the idea of the tool shed, at the power+systems facilitators conference in London)

Over the years, I have developed a set of thinking, tools, methods, templates, perspectives, suggestions, and advice for leading transformation, whether that’s in business, public services, the wider …

What’s your favourite warm-up exercise?

Often a huuuge waste of time, punishing the introverts and creating nothing relevant to the event you’re doing… As face-to-face training and workshops are (partly, slowly) coming back, here’s a very simple and effective way to do it, which touches on team-building, teamwork, building cooperation, problem solving , #leadership, …

Ian Bogost on Twitter: “If you want to insert a video in a Google Slides deck, you can either upload it to Google Drive (where Google does some unknown “processing” on it) or link to a YouTube video.

In the 90s, an entire, huge antitrust case was based on Microsoft bundling a web browser in its OS.”

34C3- Reflections on the Hacker Ethos // Chaos Engineering

Eirini Malliaraki Aug 10 “Scepticism does not mean the successive doubting, item by item, of all opinions or of all the pathways that accede to knowledge. It is holding the subjective position that one can know nothing…. Scepticism is something that we no longer […]

The dynamics of transitions in socio-technical systems: A multi-level analysis of the transition pathway from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles (1860–1930) — Geels (2006)

Dr. Ir. F. W. Geels: Technology Analysis & Strategic Management: Vol 17, No 4

This Great Network of Interbeing, with Vince F Horn — Buddhist Geeks podcast

A really nice talk by Vince Horn on holism, networks, interbeing and so on.

“‘To be’ is to inter-be.” — Thích Nhất Hạnh

In this episode–taken from a Dharma Talk at the Garrison Institute in 2022–Vince Fakhoury Horn teaches on the complexity […]

Heinz Von Foerster Papers (Digital Surrogates) | Digital Collections at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library

via Mark Johnson, from Thomas Fischer

Mark Johnson @mwjtweet

Thank you to @TH0MASF1SCHER — this is an exciting collection of videos on cybernetics with Heinz von Foerster and Humberto Maturana “In cybernetics […]

Disentangling the evolutionary drivers of social complexity: A comprehensive test of hypotheses — Turchin et al (2022)

Disentangling the evolutionary drivers of social complexity: A comprehensive test of hypotheses | Science Advances h/t Michael Garfield

During the Holocene, the scale and complexity of human societies increased markedly. Generations of scholars have proposed different theories explaining this […]

The Illusion of Complexity by James Wilk

Complexity is not a feature of the world that can be modelled, or managed. Complexity is, rather, a function of our lack of understanding, or the way we have attempted to understand something — something which, once understood, can be seen to be fundamentally simple. Complexity needs to […]

Towards the full recovery of Alexander Bogdanov’s work and ideas
Originally posted on Alexander Bogdanov (1873–1928): This blog project is meant to be a personal contribution to the collective process of the recovery of Alexander Bogdanov’s fascinating life work and ideas. The project follows up and builds on two events I co-organized on 2 and 3 June 2021. I was very lucky to be the…

Using neuroscience & cybernetics to transform social organisations | Bobby Azarian & Arash Arabi — YouTube
Bobby Azarian has apparently been on the Joe Rogan thing. This was advertised on linkedin ( by Arash Arabi where I said: “Congrats on a really professional and interesting podcast / video interview…. I must admit I thought it seems like he knows his stuff and was giving a wide overview, but because it was […]

Systems thinking is old hat.. Don’t be mistaken. It was there before…

by Philippe Vandenbroeck | Aug, 2022 | Medium

Lean, with Joy and Mary…

“I prefer to comment on a blog, on the blog itself. It helps to convert them from monologue to dialogue: which all bloggers appreciate. On this occasion, however, I have got too much to say and it would distract from the excellent blog on Lean, published by Joy Furnival. A few weeks ago, while Joy…”

THE origins of THE systems approach
Originally posted on CSL4D: Tracing the tracks of C. West Churchman Last month I reread (and blogged) Churchman’s ‘The Systems Approach’ (1968) and was surprised to see that between the lines it contained practically the whole of the dialectical systems approach (the systems approach) as it finally took shape in 1971 (The design of…

Luhmann’s systems theory
Originally posted on CSL4D: Modern society [1] Niklas Luhmann (1927–1998) was a German sociologist who developed a general systems theory of modern society. The American social systems theorist Talcott Parsons (1902–1979) was a major influence — for the idea of social systems -, but so were the Chileans Humberto Maturana (1928–2021) and his student…

Systems change theory and practice: a brief review and practical insights — Knight and Baldwin, 2022

The paper looks decent — I need to read again — but is worth it just for the excellent references.

Systems change theory and practice: a brief review and practical insightsA discussion paper about finding better ways to improve child and family wellbeing20 APR […]

Twitter thread on a new book claiming that reductionism can explain everything

Dr. Brian Dermody — Geosciences — Utrecht University

Interesting links and perspective on systems literacy in the Netherlands. h/t Thys van der Veer

Emergence as the conversion of information: a unifying theory | Varley and Hoel (2022)
Is reduction always a good scientific strategy? The existence of the special sciences above physics suggests not. Previous research has shown that dimensionality reduction (macroscales) can increase the dependency between elements of a system (a phenomenon called ‘causal emergence’). Here, we provide an umbrella mathematical framework for emergence based on information conversion. We show evidence […]

Carlos E. Perez on Twitter: “Why is top-down causation so problematic for many? Is it a consequence of their lifelong bias towards substance metaphysics?” / Twitter

See also…

Information theory: A foundation for complexity science
Originally posted on Complexity Digest: Amos Golan and John Harte PNAS 119 (33) e2119089119 Modeling and inference are central to most areas of science and especially to evolving and complex systems. Critically, the information we have is often uncertain and insufficient, resulting in an underdetermined inference problem; multiple inferences, models, and theories are consistent with…

The golden age of complexity science books
Originally posted on Petter Holme: Here is a list of complexity science books in a popular science style from when the hype was the biggest — from 1988 and a decade further* — and some very brief comments. Several of them are available at, as linked below. I’m pretty sure I forgot several. If so, I’ll add them…

Unpsychology Magazine — Issue 8: an anthology of warm data

‘Everyone loved each other’: the rise of Yugonostalgia | The Guardian
While many citizens of the former Yugoslavia miss the lower prices and global recognition, others warn against over-romanticising the Tito era

The Social Prescription We Need — Freedom — Social Work, Cats and Rocket
About 20 years ago, I worked with an older person called Florence. Florence was in her early 80s and had been known to social services for many years. Each November Florence would, much to the concern of her family and the plethora of community social workers, nurses and carers who supported her, take herself off…

Ancient Origins | Reconstructing the story of humanity’s
News and articles relating to our ancient origins, archaeology news, anthropology, ancient artifacts, sacred writings, ancient places and more.

Viral Post

LinkedIn viral post generator

Council Post: Why We Need To Think Differently About Digital

Digital transformation remains a top-of-mind leadership objective. However, the proof points for continued investment in digital transformation need to be far more evident and focused on the individual and blended experience of employees, customers and partners.



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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