Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #67

Benjamin P. Taylor
10 min readNov 5, 2022


Fortnightly, I think…

Mostly systems | complexity | cybernetics as so often the case, no time for interludes and parsing tweets — except I’ve now determinedly activated!

Is it the best album ever, or did you just hear it first between the ages of 14 and 24?
Join the discussion at *Many of the ideas in this post are stolen from tweets, which I now cannot find to reference Are they the best mentor in the world, or did they just give you a kind word and help your career when you started? Do young workers have weird expectations, interact all … Continue reading Is it the best album ever, or did you just hear it first between the ages of 14 and 24? →

What are your #antimetrics — things which, simply measuring them, make things worse?
Join the debate at (and see how many ‘anti’ things you can identify in the slides) What are your #antimetrics — things which, simply measuring them, make things worse? __ We’ve all seen outspoken people twist themselves into their masks because of the social media metrics, fame, and infamy that unpleasant talking points bring them. We’ve seen … Continue reading What are your #antimetrics — things which, simply measuring them, make things worse? →

Off-payroll repeal: the 24 days tax advisors stood still | HMRC: Tax Investigations

In which HMDC admits that the off-payroll legislation is unsound as a matter of policy and places an undue burden on organisations and businesses.

Lost the plot when it comes to the Off-payroll working rules? Well, you’re not alone — it seems the government has too. Here Dave Chaplin explains what it all really means.

Are you interested in speaking at a SCiO Open Event?
Do you have an experience of practicing Systems Thinking that you’d like to share? … any aspect of using methods, or of systemic intervention? If so, would you like to speak at a SCiO Open Event (, for about an hour, about your experience? We run Open Events every two months, some face-to-face in London […]

Can Economic Growth Continue Over the Long-term? Michael Garfield “Enjoyed this piece by fellow @longnow @ignitetalks presenter @JasonCrawford and share it as a launchpad from which we can hopefully engage in some thoughtful public discourse”…
Michael Garfield #VentureAltruist@michaelgarfieldEnjoyed this piece by fellow @longnow @ignitetalks presenter @JasonCrawford and share it as a launchpad from which we can hopefully engage in some thoughtful public discourse.Below I’ll share a few thoughts on this topic as a way of throwing sparks.… (1) Michael Garfield 💫 #VentureAltruist on Twitter: “Enjoyed this piece by fellow @longnow […]

Systems thinking in the real world: Tackling obesity | by Houda Boulahbel | Systems Thinking Made Simple | Aug, 2022 | Medium
Houda BoulahbelAug 9·7 min read·Member-only·ListenSystems thinking in the real world: Tackling obesity Systems thinking in the real world: Tackling obesity | by Houda Boulahbel | Systems Thinking Made Simple | Aug, 2022 | Medium

When will a large complex system be stable? (Cohen and Newman, 1985)
Journal of Theoretical Biology Volume 113, Issue 1, 7 March 1985, Pages 153–156 When will a large complex system be stable? Joel E.Cohen†Charles M.Newman‡ When will a large complex system be stable? — ScienceDirect Click to access 116CohenNewmanJTheorBiol1985.pdf

Raissa D’Souza — The Collapse of Networks — YouTube
Raissa D’Souza — The Collapse of Networks Raissa D’Souza — The Collapse of Networks — YouTube

Econophysics: making sense of a chimera | Yee (2021)
On various social media platforms (follow him for more), @daviding posted: Caution on presumed isomorphism in #SystemsThinking by Adrian K. YeeThe application of mechanisms from physics to the study of economic phenomena is often unjustified, given that the ontology of economic reality is distinct from that of physical reality, rendering physical explanations of economic phenomena inadequate. Author’s share […]

Learning Festival 2022: Making the System Shift — The System Innovation Initiative online festival 28 Nov — 2 Dec 2022
Making the System Shift 28 Nov — 2 Dec 2022 A free online festival for people creating different systems for a better future What does it really take to shift a system? Join us with 50 of the boldest system innovators from across the world as we take a deep dive into the practical realities […]

Mastodon Twitter Crossposter
This service allows you to connect a Mastodon account and a Twitter account and enable cross-posting between them. You can choose some options, such as if you want to post boosts, unlisted toots or replies.

UK dividend tax: Hunt for revenues turns to the better-off
News, analysis and comment from the Financial Times, the worldʼs leading global business publication

Agents, Networks, Evolution: A Quarter Century of Advances in Complex Systems, edited by Frank Schweitzer
Originally posted on Complexity Digest: Scientific progress during the last three decades has greatly profited from our advances in understanding complex systems. Fundamental modeling approaches were considerably improved, particularly agent-based modeling, network science, nonlinear dynamics, and system science. At the same time, these approaches have been applied to and adopted by various scientific disciplines, ranging…

Systems Thinking — The OR Society
Systems ThinkingThe Systems Thinking Special Interest Group (ST-SIG) is for Systems/OR practitioners who are using, or want to learn about, systems theories, methodologies and methods to prevent or address highly complex organizational, social and environmental problems.We have an inclusive understanding of systems thinking, and value contributions from all the theoretical and methodological traditions using that […]

Santa Fe Institute on Twitter: “The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future” Follow this 🧵 today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium
“The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future”Follow this today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees Symposium: (1) Santa Fe Institute on Twitter: “”The 21st Century Question: Emergently Engineering the Future” Follow this 🧵 today and tomorrow for highlights from our 2022 #AppliedComplexity Network and Board of Trustees […]

Mary Catherine Bateson: Composing a (Further) Life (1989, 2010) | by Philippe Vandenbroeck | Oct, 2022 | Medium
Mary Catherine Bateson: Composing a (Further) Life (1989, 2010)A Systems Library, Vol. 28Photo by Steve Johnson from PexelsIn this new addition to the Systems Library, I focus on two books — Composing a Life, and Composing a Further Life — published 20 years apart by the same author, Mary Catherine Bateson. Mary Catherine, who died […]

RNS Journal … | New design pattern science for working with natural systems — and bioregional regeneration summary, starting 1 November 2022
Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022 11 AM EDTBioregional Regeneration Summit — Register Here (free) Tuesday, Nov 1, 2022 11 AM EDTBioregional Regeneration Summit — Register Here (free) RNS Journal … | New design pattern science for working with natural systems.

Reducing obesity: obesity system map — GOV.UK (2007)
[I’ve seen the map itself many times, and this page at least once before — the famous ‘systems map’ (which is revealed to actually be an influence diagram) was recently used to illustrate — on facebook, Greg Brougham linked the main thing — which I see was authored by Philippe, Vandenbroeck, Dr Jo Goossens, […]

What is our built environment doing to us as a species? Come explore a model of human ecology for future habitat design. | LinkedIn
The Holos Earth Project 183 followersFollow With our man-made constructed environment humanity has left an unprecedented footprint in this so-called ‘Anthropocene’. With our built environment’s impact on the natural environment, especially because of our resource extraction and waste, not only have our construction activities impacted nature, it has fundamentally impacted human social organisation. This comes at […]

Australian cybernetic: a point through time — Sticky Tickets
Australian cybernetic: a point through timeat Theatre, National Library of Australia | Wednesday, 9 November 2022 from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (AUS Eastern Daylight Time) Australian cybernetic: a point through time — Sticky Tickets

Collapsing Time and Space: Seeing the Future in the Transatlantic Telegraph | ANU School of Cybernetics
Collapsing Time and Space: Seeing the Future in the Transatlantic TelegraphThis is the first of two public lectures by Professor Chris Morash of Trinity College Dublin.Written by: ANU School of Cybernetics18 Oct 2022EventsCollapsing Time and Space: Seeing the Future in the Transatlantic TelegraphREGISTER2 November, 6–7.15pm (This event is FREE but registration is essential) Collapsing Time […]

The Cloud is Hungry and Thirsty: States of Entanglement | ANU School of Cybernetics
The Cloud is Hungry and Thirsty: States of EntanglementThe ANU School of Cybernetics is proud to host this public lecture by Professor Chris Morash of Trinity College Dublin.Written by: ANU School of Cybernetics18 Oct 2022EventsThe Cloud is Hungry and Thirsty: States of EntanglementREGISTER3 November, 12.30–1.30pm (This event is FREE but registration is essential) The Cloud […]

Education- and Income Inequality as Drivers of Violent Property Crime in South Africa: A System Dynamics Model — Adam and Grobelaar (2022)
Education- and Income Inequality as Drivers of Violent Property Crime in South Africa: A System Dynamics Modelby Felix Adam 1 andSara Grobbelaar 1,2,* Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Education- and Income Inequality as Drivers of Violent Property Crime in South Africa: A System Dynamics Model Not endorsing MDPI, but this looks like a very interesting […]

Fall 2022 — Power, Justice, and Systems Change Webinar Series — Illuminate Systems
Fall 2022 — Power, Justice, and Systems Change Webinar SeriesYou are invited to an international conversation about power in the systems change field and the role of equity and justice work in changing systems. Fall 2022 — Power, Justice, and Systems Change Webinar Series — Illuminate Systems

CAN — To be able to express some thing is to be unable to express others. To be able to do some thing is to be unable to do others. True omnipotence is an incoherent concept.

Originally posted on Suspended Reason:

Moreover, the things I am able or unable to accomplish are themselves a function of my ability to discern and express — my ability to notice difference and represent difference. This enabling is to be expected. Language — as our representation system, our communication system, with its evocative figurative relations, accumulated reputational baggages, and system of lumpings versus splittings — underlies an enormous swathe of our reasoning and by extension our acting, particularly our acting-together-in-the-world. An implicit theory lurks behind each carving and resonance…

Systems Thinking — A Paradigm Shift in Tackling The Climate Puzzle. 9–11 November 2022
Systems Thinking — A Paradigm Shift in Tackling The Climate Puzzle. 9–11 November 2022 Systems Thinking — A Paradigm Shift in Tackling The Climate Puzzle. Workshop via the Deming Forum: View this email in your browser Workshop participation is free of charge. Travel costs, accommodation and meals during the workshop meals are provided by FNF.ABOUT […]

The role and power of re-patterning in systems change | by Griffith University Yunus Centre | Y Impact | Oct, 2022 | Medium

The Magical “All Possibilities”
Originally posted on Harish’s Notebook — My notes… Lean, Cybernetics, Quality & Data Science.: When you have eliminated all which is impossible, then whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. — Holmes Imagine that you have a coin in your hand, and you are throwing it up in the air. How would you…

Struggling with change: The fragile resilience of collectives
Originally posted on Complexity Digest: Struggling with change: The fragile resilience of collectives Frank Schweitzer, Christian Zingg, Giona CasiraghiCollectives form non-equilibrium social structures characterised by a volatile dynamics. Individuals join or leave. Social relations change quickly. Therefore, differently from engineered or ecological systems, a resilient reference state cannot be defined. We propose a novel resilience…

ECAS Systems Map — Early Childhood Action Strategy
ECAS Systems MapThe Systems Mapping process was facilitated by Scott Spann (Innate Strategies) and involved over 80 public and private partners in 2012. The map documents the array of systems’ components within Hawaii’s early childhood system. The map spotlights potential levers of change that would have the greatest impact for improving the lives our youngest […]

The Ratio Club: A Hub of British Cybernetics | Husbands and Holland (2008)

Development and application of ‘systems thinking’ principles for quality improvement | McNab et al — BMJ Open Quality
Development and application of ‘systems thinking’ principles for quality improvement Development and application of ‘systems thinking’ principles for quality improvement | BMJ Open Quality Development and application of ‘systems thinking’ principles for quality improvement



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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