Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #7

Benjamin P. Taylor
5 min readJul 24, 2021


All my top links for the week…

Top five of the week

‘Honest, guv’nor’ how to use change management for

Have you ever seen #changemanagement used for evil? To give people a false sense of input into a foregone conclusion? My session at Australasian Change Days #acdc2021 will explore this. When you are backed into this kind of corner, what wriggle room can you find?

My little freedom day poll:

Really interesting to me. Only a quarter of people celebrating outright, only one in five completely condemning the opening up. A clear majority seem somewhere in between — they’re ‘not going to tear the pants out of it’. And 22 people feeling that they are now more vulnerable and isolated…

What does ‘freedom day’ mean to you?

So, today in England is ‘freedom day’* We all want freedom — but what does it mean? Poll on LinkedIn until 21/7/2021: The past 18 months have been very very difficult for most of us all around the world, and in the UK, there have been many deaths, many more infections and many … Continue reading What does ‘freedom day’ mean to you? →

Full article: Exploring the challenges of system leadership in the voluntary and community sector — Moss (2020)

Exploring the challenges of system leadership in the voluntary and community sector Stephen Moss Full […]

A Frame for Deframing in Strategic Analysis | Dunbar et al (1996)

Deframing processes are needed to deal with pervasive change. We describe what is meant by a frame and how strategy analysts develop and rely on frames to help their understanding. We also discuss the […]


The Magnification of Small Differences — Akimbo: A Podcast from Seth Godin — Overcast | Systems Community of Inquiry

Seth Godin in a brilliant rant on his home turf; the sociological impact of power laws and the consequent impact on human creativity and possibilities.

Applied systems thinking: unlocking theory, evidence and practice for health policy and systems research | Kwamie, Ha, Ghaffar (2021) | Systems Community of Inquiry

An essay about cybernetics and slime molds courtesy TektologicⒶl҉ — Serendipity on Twitter


Sarah Hurcombe — What can Australia learn from the public service revolution taking hold in Europe?

Reflections on the Human Learning Systems movement and time as design leads for New South Wales Treasury’s commissioning approach.

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: The danger of a single story | TED
Our lives, our cultures, are composed of many overlapping stories. Novelist Chimamanda Adichie tells the story of how she found her authentic cultural voice — and warns that if we hear only a single story about another person or country, we risk a critical misunderstanding.

Organisational development / transformation

What would you say if I told you customer intimacy was dangerous?
If you want to really satisfy your customers, read on. Most organisations hear ‘listen to what the customer needs’ and say ‘yes! optimise for this!’ They hear ‘transactional efficiency saves money’, and go ‘yes! everything efficient!’ Truth: there are two types of customer service flavours: 1) transactional — customers can reliably specify and find the […]

76: Comparative Analysis of Organizations — Charles Perrow — (1967) Talking About Organizations Podcast | Systems Community of

Talking About Organizations is a very nice podcast where a mixed, international group of organisation scholars discuss classic works. This is a classic and a half — and mindboggling that Perrow died only in 2019…

W. Ross Ashby — The Origin of Adaptation (1941) — the W. Ross Ashby Digital Archive | Systems Community of Inquiry

January 2021: The previously unpublished 196 page booklet “The Origin of Adaptation”, written in 1941, is available as a PDF. Image of the note of triumph!

Absorptive capacity — Wikipedia

In business administration, absorptive capacity has been defined as “a firm’s ability to recognize the value of new information, assimilate it, and apply it to commercial ends”. It is studied on individual, group, firm, and national levels. Antecedents are prior-based knowledge (knowledge stocks and knowledge flows) and communication. Studies involve […]

Ethics in public service

Financial Times: How civil service chief Heywood opened the door to Lex Greensill

“Brexit”: Eight in ten businesses believe leaving EU will cause long-term hurt for UK economy

An exclusive poll for i shows that firms feel the government had not done enough to support them through “Brexit”

Environmental and social justice

Cost of “Brexit” is already 38 times more than the money set aside for levelling up

The costs of “Brexit” continue to mount — and they dwarf what Boris Johnson has set aside for levelling up in the regions

Electric cars: What will happen to all the dead batteries? — BBC
In the next 10 years millions of old electric car batteries will need to be recycled or discarded.

More brain food

The Other Others — Memory Wars

Tyson Yunkaporta’s podcast:

“Dr David Reser and I talk about our inter-cultural bromance that has grown out of memory science experiments over the last few years, starting with our initial meet-cute nerding out over cranial nerves, 3d printing, dot paintings and Hannibal Lecter. This bromance has survived two culture wars and a recent controversy in which our experimental research paper (comparing the Ancient Greek Memory Palace technique with Aboriginal memorisation techniques) was turned into divisive click-bait for culture warriors.”

Musical interlude

Chris Barber’s Jazz Band — Climax Rag (live in East Berlon) 1959

