Transduction — leading transformation — Issue #90
This week:
- Upcoming Events
- Operational excellence
- Public Sector
- Commissioning Academy
- Agility
- Systems Thinking
Upcoming Events:
Hamburg, Operational Excellence and Process Transformation. 14 June 2023–16 June 2023
Unlock your organisation’s full potential with the operational excellence and process transformation summit! Join industry leaders, experts, and peers for two days of insights, learning, and networking on the latest trends and strategies in process optimisation and business transformation. Learn how to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and drive growth in today’s rapidly changing landscape. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity to gain a competitive edge and stay ahead of the curve!
Find out more:
Public Sector Show
4 July 2023, in person, County Hall, London.
The 11-year strong Public Sector Show drives the UK’s public procurement marketplace forward through extensive 1–1 networking, collaboration and premium insight into the latest ways of working, best-practice case studies and policy updates.
On 4th July, it will be bringing together leading commercial figureheads, innovators and policy leaders from across the public sector, with the collective aim of improved service delivery, enhanced efficiency and value for money. RedQuadrant’s own Benjamin Taylor will be chairing.
Find out more:
Summer 2023 National Commissioning Academy by the Public Service Transformation Academy
Expected start: June, running 8 months
We are delighted to announce the launch of Spring 2023 National Commissioning Academy which is accredited by the PSTA and Cabinet Office.
Described by the former Civil Service Chief Executive John Manzoni as ‘one of our flagship development programmes for leaders’, the Commissioning Academy is designed to equip commissioners and change makers from across public services with the insight, know-how and tools to transform outcomes for the communities we serve.
- A blended, interactive programme over the course of 8 months
- Masterclass workshops (interactive, with input of ideas and frameworks)
- action learning/coaching
- expert speakers/short videos to watch
- peer challenge
- practical action planning on a project or priority you are working on
- membership of a nation-wide alumni
Th price is £2,300 + VAT. For more information, follow this link or contact
Link Collection:
My Weekly Blog post:
The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity we encounter are shaped by our intent, perspective, context, and abilities. Agility is relative to our goals and capabilities within a given context. VUCA/TUNA experiences require considering these factors to navigate and adapt effectively. Click the link to read in more detail.
This paper explores the challenges organizations face in implementing Stafford Beers’ Viable Systems Diagnosis (VSD), a theory-based organizational intervention. It suggests that the complexity of VSD, exacerbated by Beer’s own writings, leads readers to focus solely on diagnosing the system, contributing to VSD’s lack of popularity. The paper proposes a systematic categorisation of Beer’s work to assist change agents in effectively utilising VSD. Click the link to read in more detail.
Demystifying Beer… Do You Want Fries With That? — Stephens and Haslett (2003)
This is an invite to engage in a discussion on the book “Systems Thinking: Selected Readings” published in 1969. The event aims to explore whether we have moved beyond the concepts presented in the book and encourages open-minded participation. A federated wiki and a web conference will facilitate the conversation.
Werner Herzog on Nature…