VUCA isn’t a condition — it’s an experience of the world.
Agility isn’t a thing.
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The volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity we experience depends on
* our intent — what we’re trying to achieve
* our framing and perspective — how we’re seeing things
* the context and our interpretation of it
* our ability, learning, history, understanding
It’s contextual. It depends on how you’re seeing things and what you’re trying to do. You have to take all of the above as a given to say something is VUCA (or my preferred version, Rafael Ramirez’s Turbulent-Uncertain-Novel-Ambiguous (TUNA) )
That means that ‘agility’ isn’t a thing — it can only be defined in relation to what you’re trying to achieve, in what context — and your ability to get to do that, or not.