What do you think is necessary to accelerate #digital #innovation?

Benjamin P. Taylor
2 min readNov 15, 2021


I am one of 16 professional advisers interviewed for advice on how to manage accelerating enterprise digital transformation in these uncertain times.

The publication from TechPros.io / Network Sunday is at https://techprosio.foleon.com/network-sunday-and-techpros-articles/accelerating-enterprise-digital-transformation/cover/

What’s fascinating is you get a very different tone and personality of the business from each interview!

The top tips I get from the whole are:

1- focus on good customer experience / #customerrelations first — slow down to make sure you really understand what you’re doing for the customer

2- remember your people work from positive motivation — help them feel good about successes and learn from failures, since digital will involve both. Train and upskill them to deal with the pace of change

3- be realistic about what tools and technologies — including machine learning, ‘AI’, and ‘RPA’ (robotic process automation — screenscrapers) can do. Smash the jargon and focus on what works

4- focus on collaboration around value streams, whether in an agile ‘team of teams’ working virtually, or a traditional organisation in an office

5- learn what works and what doesn’t from the experience of others

6- don’t shy away from ‘fixing the plumbing’ — improving what’s broken can bring better results than whizzy new ideas

I’ll share more of the RedQuadrant perspective in a future post, though you can read me in there!

What are your top tips for digital acceleration?

#data #technology #management

