What does #resilience mean to you?
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What does #resilience mean to you?
Last year we ran a much-needed Resilience Summit for one of our public sector clients, focused on their social care teams.
We’re going to be offering this across the #publicsector, so I’d love your feedback:
Which aspects of resilience do you think we’ve missed?
Which do you think are the most critical?
We made the Resilience Summit a deep dive into the heart of resilience, exploring many facets of this essential quality: weathering storms and coming back stronger.
We kicked off with a community exercise, connecting us to each other and to purpose. Laura Toop guided us through #ProjectMe, teaching us to master resilience amidst uncertainty. Amaranatho Robey got us moving with some shake, rattle, and roll, while Laura Griffiths opened up honest conversations, and helped up with time management and the all-important boundary setting, crucial for #PersonalDevelopment and #Wellbeing.
After some coffee and mindful breathing, Francis Norton taught us to turn burnout into a friend, supporting #MentalHealthAwareness, and Debbie Jones showed us how to achieve a flow state through physical intelligence. Dr Lizzy Bernthal inspired us to Rise and shine!
There was proper time for a decent lunch, and we welcomed people back with a session on the empowering role of gratitude and giving. Then Marina O’Connor shared insights on bouncing back from life’s challenges. Royston John delved into understanding difference through identity and allyship, and resolving conflict at work.
Natasha Sears introduced us to the Emotional Freedom Technique for coping with overwhelm, and Paul Stepney discussed promoting resilience in social work. Dov Tsal led ‘Let’s get physical!’ — dynamic movement exercises.
The summit concluded with a taste of Rejection Therapy, Fiona Fleming led the superpower exercise, and Amaranatho Robey’s re-silence: the art of completion. Each speaker brought a unique perspective, making the summit a wide-ranging, varied exploration of resilience and #leadership.
We got loads of lovely feedback about the quality of the session and information, the ‘safe space’ people felt, and what they were taking away. What really summed it up for me was this:
‘I was not supposed to attend this training, I took the place of another worker and I’m so glad I did. This has to be the best seminar I have been to. I felt valued and cared for by being able to attend it. Ironically I have been feeling stressed due to a change home and work life changes and this has been so beneficial for me. Thank you.’
Which aspect of resilience do you find most relevant in your life?
Is there an element of resilience you believe we should include in future discussions?
Your thoughts could help shape a #GrowthMindset approach for our future summits.
“I really enjoyed having the choice of multiple learning opportunities running alongside each other. Different rooms and speakers made it more interesting and engaging.”
“Engaging, informative speakers.”
I was not supposed to attend this training, I took the place of another worker and I’m so glad I did. This has to be the best seminar I have been to. I felt valued and cared for by being able to attend it. Ironically I have been feeling stressed due to a change home and work life changes and this has been so beneficial for me. Thank you’
“Loved the sessions on energy and the one on closure. A cohesive, engaging day that allowed personalization. Very impressive and thank you.”
“I loved the variety of the different talks and the active engagement we were encouraged to interact with. Perfect length of each talk. Good amount of breaks.”
“Great opportunity to network with wider teams and focus on staff.”
“Very well organized, great speakers
Loved the sessions on energy and the one on closure. A cohesive,
engaging day that allowed personalisation. Very impressive and thank
• I loved the variety of the different talks and the active engagement we
were encouraged to interact with. Perfect length of each talk. Good
amount of breaks.
• The volunerability, well organised, the opportunity to meet work mates.
• Information exchange within the safe environment
• Very good information and useful tips to run it.
• Engaging and varied! Managed well
• Speakers were great — host very engaging
• Interactive and dynamism
• Short bursts of talks kept me interested and a range of angles as well as a
choice of which we did.
• All the speakers, very interactive
• Opportunity to stop and think
• Meeting new people. So much interesting content.
• I have finished today with tools and techniques to help me to be more
resilient. Listening to others speak about their emotional responses and
positions has made me feel less alone.
• Time to stop and look and listen to things I can do as a person but also as
a manager for my team
I have taken away that we are always so busy ensuring others are
safeguarded, having their needs meet and happy that we don’t always
take enough time for ourselves or each other. The nature of our work is
stressful and we need to acknowledge that and ensure that we find ways
to manage/ build resilience so that we can do our jobs well and, maintain
our own health.
• The importance of resilience on a personal as well as professional basis
• The importance of closure. The value of a person focused approach to a
challenging conversation. The need for rejection. And possibly lots more.
• That burnout is not a competition to see who can last the longest before
they breakdown. You can enjoy your team and setting but still burnout
because of higher stresses!
• Gave me a lot to think about
• Self awareness and self regulation
• Identity — workshop by Royston was excellent would have liked longer to
explore and Shane so few attended
• Being more compassionate to myself.
• Remembering to look after myself and role model self care.
I am responsible for ensuring I take time to listen to how I feel, how my
body feels and ensure I set time to be mindful. I will use the breathing
techniques. I am going to allow the stress of my job to run through my
rather than remain in me, I’m going to acknowledge it but not let it
become me. I will secure time for me each week, this will be to prioritise
my health by running and getting my body moving. I am going to promote
staff taking lunch breaks, going away from their computer , having a walk
to get a proper break in and improve their work out put.