What skills do we need for the future?

Benjamin P. Taylor
2 min readSep 28, 2022


I’m delivering some serious face-to-face training again this week — hasn’t been a regular event for the last three years!

And engaging with a live room full of people — responding to their personal development needs as well as the needs of management — well, it’s a thrill!

What strikes me, again and again, is that nobody needs just one thing.

In this case, the headline training is agile change. And that’s going down well. But, as always, it’s more important to respond to their context.

- negotiating room to manoeuvre

- getting buy-in from more senior people

- building a support network of peers

Every time I work with people, I realise that organisations — and people — are so complex that what they really need is adaptation to their context. Cutting-edge transformation methods? Probably. Management skills and prioritisation of time? Almost certainly. And… whatever works for them.

That’s the philosophy behind the RedQuadrant tool shed.

A small group of people meets with me twice a month and we learn together, bouncing off the core content of our Leading Transformation programme, going wherever we need to go at that time.

If you’re intrigued, drop me a line — a new cohort will start in about a month. It’s £395/month and some special rates may be available — depending on context.

More here: https://bitly.com/RQtoolshedshowandtell

>> What skill do you think is most needed at the moment?



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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