Will you come to a conference that doesn’t have all the answers?
Will you come to a conference that doesn’t have all the answers?
Requisite Agility Unleashed is next week. And while the internationally-renowned speakers and panellists have done deep, committed work to develop their approaches, theories, methods, and practices, we are coming together because it is the questions which are more important.
We aren’t asking ‘since OBRs are so good, should you have them for everything?’
We aren’t asking ‘how can I use incentives to change my culture?’
We are asking:
- how can organisations create value for their customers, in their context, when the context is changing faster than planning is possible?
- since we have to think differently in different contexts (individual, team, enterprise, society. tops, middles, bottoms, customers. privileged, excluded) — how can we bring these contexts together in a productive way?
- how can we take intensely practical action when faced with multiple crises that seem to demand both blue-sky thinking and fire-fighting, that challenge us as individuals, and even our ways of thinking and understanding?
Just one takeaway from this conference, properly applied, could change your working life in the next five to ten years. But anyone who tells you they have an ‘answer’ — even our esteemed contributors — should be questioned with scepticism.
If you are interested in these questions, there’s still time to book at
>> Use code RAUN50 for 50% off the 49USD ticket.
You won’t merely be a guest — you’ll be a participant, joining us in asking and exploring these critical questions. We need you and you need us!
You’ll join this stellar group:
and the organiser Amit Arora