Benjamin P. Taylor
1 min readFeb 1, 2023


You asked for my reflections, so I thought I’d give them here.

First, you’re clear how important this is and how much it’s hurting you, and why you are open about it and how hard that was. That’s important for others to hear, as much as the message.

You’re noting what I am calling ‘social reproduction’ through the scheme, but also that it’s the result of emergence not/more than a ‘plan’, and the complexity of what’s going on.

And I 100% agree with

“By attempting to mould people into a single pre-defined model of leadership, rather than linked to the overarching problems that need to be solved, the scheme is built on the wrong things. It focuses on competencies, models, and techniques, which in some ways is like rearranging the deck chairs on a sinking ship.”

Which is why we try to root our leadership work in working on the problems, not a model of leadership (nor yet personal development; to the extent that’s important, that happens as a result of the kind of grappling with the problems you are doing).

And then identifying that the system needs to develop the ability to be less of a unified system, more critical, more independent is an important move – mirroring your own position.

It’s a compact, neat piece which compresses and reflects a lot of the challenges you’ve documented.

