Your help needed — Supporting Adult Social Care Commissioners — Strategic Commissioning Options Appraisal

Benjamin P. Taylor
2 min readFeb 9, 2022


Can you add insight to help #adultsocialcare #commissioning?

The way that councils and their partners arrange for #socialcare to be provided is one of the things that makes a huge difference to people and #communities.

It’s the difference between:

- an older lady (a real night owl) being ‘put to bed’ at 7pm because that’s the only time the care agency can come round, and the nice Polish lady from the corner shop coming round after she finishes her shift, to help her neighbour

- an adult with learning disabilities being imprisoned, poisoned with medicine and driven mad, and a grown-up son eventually moving into his own place with the support of his carers

- a retired professional who can no longer fill in forms being intimidated, sad, and unable to sleep when professionals come and ‘assess’ and ‘diagnose’ him, and my relative living contentedly at home with his homeshare lodger and friendly local carers popping in

At The Public Service Transformation Academy, we are working with the Local Government Association to develop at tool to help adult social care commissioners to develop their strategic approach.

It’ll be freely available to all and the concept is to help people to identify all the variables that make a difference to the ‘landscape’ in a ‘place’, and then think about commissioning approaches that might succeed in that context.

We are going to #workoutloud as much as possible on this. YOU can help:

1- please spread the word to anyone whose voice *should* be heard in this process:

And if there’s an existing group or forum we can present to (or help you to present to) and get feedback from, let us know!

2- input directly and sign up to be kept in touch here:

3- come to our fortnightly open working sessions, starting TODAY , 9 February, 2–3:30pm, then every two weeks — sign up at for the mailing list group to follow these sessions and at the first session

Commissioners need to make the connection between the (true) stories I shared above, and the #complexity of: austerity, complex organisational boundaries, increasing demand, lots of legislation, the local labour market and range (or lack) of companies and charities who provide social care, the impact of local land values and planning legislation, the ideology of their politicians, and much, much more.

Do you have ideas that can help them?



Benjamin P. Taylor
Benjamin P. Taylor

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